It is fair to say that Leafy’s termination from YouTube has left the internet surprised. While some celebrated the ban, most people condemned it. Of course, quite a few people have pointed fingers at Pokimane and her fans, and there are a number of reasons behind it.
The ban came hours after Leafy had posted his 12th video about Pokimane. Furthermore, the official charges levied against Leafy are eerily similar to the accusations Pokimane fans have been making. Some Pokimane fans have even accepted that they did go on a reporting campaign against Leafy, as you can see below. Of course, the Twitter user might be a troll sarcastically stating the following.
Regardless, ItsAGundam, who himself is no stranger to the wrath of Pokimane and her ‘simp’ fans, has now posted a video on the entire matter.
ItsAGundam calls out Pokimane fans on Leafy YouTube ban
ItsAGundam explained his stance at the beginning of the video and claimed that he knows Pokimane's fans enough to know how they must have reacted to Leafy’s video campaign against her. He claimed that they must have reported Leafy like he was "smuggling guns to Cuba right under the FBI’s nose".

ItsAGundam talked about the recent change in YouTube’s terms of service and called it ‘trash’. He said that platforms will generally leave older content alone and will not hold them accountable to a ‘change in rules’, if the content was created before the said change. However, Leafy did not hide his older videos and was, in time, held accountable for them.
ItsAGundam then talked about H3H3’s Ethan Klein, who had posted the following tweet about Leafy.
Ethan had previously been involved in a bitter feud with Keemstar which resulted in both of them losing sponsors. He said that back then, YouTube had forced Keemstar to apologise and gave him a week-long ban. However, that was it, and the issue was resolved.
ItsAGundam compared that situation with Leafy’s and said that in spite of his ‘campaign’ against Pokimane, banning him permanently is not justified. Like many others, he thinks that Leafy deserved a warning and said that his case sets a scary precedent for future incidents.
Towards the end, ItsAGundam explained that Leafy’s ban is unjust and unfair, although he appeared to concede that this is the way YouTube works nowadays. You can watch the entire video below: