Well, there was a reason that Sage got the nerf that she did in Valorant patch 1.07, and it paved the way for another agent who too will be able to boast a supportive kit.
Valorant’s Agent number 13, Syke/Llena (no official name has been released yet), will come with a set of skills that will change the current Valorant meta completely.
A couple of hours ago, one Riot Games employee leaked a video that contains a short reveal about the upcoming weapon cosmetics in Act 3 and a showcase of the new Agent's abilities.
Though the tweet we have shared above is from a well-known dataminer ValorantLeaks, the video files for the new Agent kit were not datamined by him, but leaked by a Valorant dev who goes by the handle of MrJack025 (The Video leak on Reddit was taken down immediately)
New Valorant Agent ability reveal
The leaked video gives us a lot of insight into the type of abilities that Agent 13 will be coming with. She will be boasting a robust set of supportive skills that is guaranteed to change the Valorant meta in Act 3.
1. Ability E: Guiding Light
Equip a hawk trinket. Fire to send it forward. Hold Fire to guide the hawk in the direction of your crosshair. Re-Use while the hawk is in flight to transform it into a flash.
2. Ability Q: Trailblazer
Equip a Tasmanian Tiger trinket. Fire to send out and take control of the predator. While in control, fire to leap forward, exploding in a concussive blast and damaging directly hit enemies.
3. Ability C: Regrowth
Equip a Healing trinket. Hold Fire to channel, healing allies in range and line of sight. It can be reused until her healing pool is depleted. Syke cannot heal herself.
4. Ultimate: Seekers
Equip a Seeker trinket. Fire to send out three Seekers to track down the three closest enemies. If seekers reach their target, it near sights them.
As much as the leaked video reveals, the new Agent Syke/Llena will have a stacked kit. With equal amounts of CC and supporting skills, she will be bringing with her a completely new meta.