Rob “Robcdee” is an English-Australian Twitch streamer that currently lives in Japan. His content revolves around streaming his real-time interactions and adventures in Japan, as he constantly travels around the country. He first appeared on Byron “Reckful” Bernstein’s Twitch stream as a stream sniper, and eventually created his own Twitch channel.
He currently has over 190k followers on Twitch plus around 37k subscribers on YouTube and he is one of the most popular Just Chatting streamers on Twitch. Clips of his streams have often gone viral on different social media platforms owing to the bizarre-nature of the situations he comes across during his time outside.
Rob is also often referred to as the “Angel of Shibuya” owing to his kind, street-smart nature and the fact that he helps people in dangerous or unfortunate situations. He is married to his current wife Tracy Haoma, who also streams and occasionally, the duo appear on her stream channel together.
Real Name | Rob |
DOB | Unknown |
Height | Unknown |
Weight | Unknown |
Address | Tokyo, Japan |
Marital Status/Partner | Married to Tracy Haoma |
Source of Wealth | Online content creation, sponsorships |
Net Worth | $300k |
How much is Robcdee’s total net worth?
Rob’s net worth is currently around $300k. However, besides operating a merchandise store, the streamer does not have any known business ventures or other careers. His Twitch channel and the sponsorship deals he carries out are his main sources of income as of now. He is currently backed by Nvidia and Surfshark.
On what platform does Robcdee stream?
Rob exclusively streams on Twitch and is currently a Twitch partner. He does have a YouTube account which he posts to a few times a week. He also has accounts on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter as well, using his Instagram account fairly frequently to showcase the various places he visits during his travels.
How much does Robcdee earn?
Currently, Rob’s main sources of income are his Twitch channel, YouTube channel, his merchandise store and his sponsorship deals. His Twitch channel brings in the most income, along with his sponsors. He earns an unknown amount of money from his merch store, and his YouTube channel earns a very minimal sum.
From all of his revenue-making platforms, Rob earns around 60k to 70k a month. Including his sponsorship deals and the donations he receives on Twitch, the actual number would be much higher than stated. Rob also makes money from his merchandise store; however, its performance is currently unknown.
Robcdee’s other ventures
Currently, the Japan-based streamer has a merchandise store but any other ventures Rob may be engaging in outside of this are unknown. Currently, his streams and online content creation are his main source of income.
Robcdee’s Twitch career
Rob created his Twitch account on August 10, 2017 and his content mostly consists of real-life streams, where he travels around Japan interacting with locals and discovering new places. He gained a lot of popularity owing to the bizarre nature of some of the situations he’s been involved in. On more than one occasion, Rob was spotted on stream helping passersby from being harassed or scammed by others. For this reason, Rob is often referred to as the “Angel of Shibuya.”
Rob streams almost every day, hitting around 4 to 6 days of streaming every week. The traveler mostly only streams under the IRL category but In the past, he has played Jump King and Counter-Strike, albeit for a very minute amount of time. His streams average around 2k to 4k viewers and he currently has around 190k followers on Twitch. Despite those metrics, he is the 30th most-watched Just Chatting channel on the entire platform.
Robcdee’s YouTube career
In comparison to his Twitch channel, Rob’s YouTube does not perform as well. With the type of content he posts, the occasional video on his channel will go viral so his channel performance varies from time to time. Clip compilations of his streams posted by other channels often receive more traffic coming towards them.
Rob currently sits at 36.7k subscribers in total and is a little under 790k video views in total.
Earnings from other ventures.
Rob operates a merchandise store, but his earnings from the venture are unknown.
Earnings as a Youtuber
Rob’s earnings from his YouTube channel are currently very low in comparison to his Twitch channel. Oftentimes, his content is reposted by other channels and that brings in more traffic than his channel. His earnings on a monthly basis are estimated to be around $100, which translates to $1.2k a year.
Earnings as a Twitch streamer
Currently, Rob is projected to make around $4k to $6k from his Twitch channel every month. On a yearly basis, this number turns out to be $48k to $72k. In addition to this number, the streamer earns donations given to him by his stream viewers.
Other Sponsorship deals
In the past, Rob has been backed by names such as MSI, Surfshark VPN, and Crucial memory.
Any recent expenditures made by Rob are unknown. The streamer is frequently on the go and is almost always traveling. He also carries around a lot of equipment in order to conduct his IRL live streams, including a camera, several batteries, a Bluetooth speaker, a modem, and a bike, among other objects.
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In the News
Owing to the nature of his streams, Rob often comes across hilarious scenarios or is a timely rescue to people in need.
He also made it to the news after he had an intense encounter with a random man in Japan who took him to the police after Rob accidentally caught the man’s face on camera. The police eventually let the streamer go after finding there was no fault committed on his part.
In another stream, Rob aided a girl from her stalker after he pretended to be the girl’s friend. He told the stalker he’d been looking for the girl and sent him off. After a conversation with the girl, he realized the stalker had been following her for a while, and she was unable to shake him off.
Rob once saved an unsuspecting man from being scammed, after he witnessed the man being taken to a shady area of the town.
On another day, the streamer aided a girl who was being followed by a creep. He distracted the man and asked for his picture while the girl escaped from the area.
Q. How old is Robcdee?
Rob’s age and birthdate is currently unknown. The Australian-origin streamer does not divulge much on the details surrounding his personal life.
Q. Is Robcdee married?
Rob is currently married to his wife Tracy Haoma. She has her own Twitch channel where she streams IRL content occasionally.
Q. How much does Robcdee earn?
On a yearly basis, Rob would earn an amount of around 60k and this includes his Twitch subscribers and YouTube ad revenue.
Q. Where does Robcdee stream?
Rob is a partner on Twitch and exclusively streams on the platform. He does maintain an active presence on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.