There are dozens of great Roblox content creators out there streaming and uploading to YouTube. Do you have a favourite Roblox player that you would like to support? Then use a Roblox Star code.
Roblox Star codes can be redeemed just before purchasing Robux to support Roblox content creators. When a Roblox Star code is used, a small percentage of what you pay for Robux goes to the Roblox player. What is even better is the fact that it stays active for several weeks, continuously putting money into Roblox content creators if you purchase Robux again.
Not every Roblox content creator has a Roblox Star code, though. Check for your favourite Roblox players to see if they have Roblox Star codes of their own. Here are all the available ones for the month of December.
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All working Roblox Star codes for the month of December 2021
Below are all the Roblox Star codes still working as of December 2021. In order from left to right, the Roblox content creator is on the left, and their Roblox Star code is on the right. The next time you purchase Roblox, use one of these codes to help support their content creation:
- 3SB Games: 3sb
- Alex: Crafted
- Aline Games: AlineGames
- AlvinBlox: AlvinBlox
- AmberryYT: Amberry
- AnielicA: AnielicA
- Anix: Anix
- Annoying Orange Gaming: TootyFruit
- Ant: Ant
- Ant Antixx: Antixx
- Arazhul: Roman
- Ashleyosity: Ashley
- AshleyTheUnicorn: Unicorn
- Avocado Playz: Avocado
- Axiore: axiore
- Ayzria: Ayzria
- Bananinha: Delani
- bandi: bandi
- Bandites: Bandites
- Baxtrix: Baxtrix
- Bebe Milo: BebeMilo
- Benni: Benni
- Benx: Benx
- BereghostGames: TheFGNCrew
- Betroner: BYN
- BiaGamer: BiaGamer
- Biel Henrique: Biel
- bigbst4tz2: BIGB2
- BIGHEAD: bighead
- Blah Squad: Icy
- Blue Blob: BLOB
- BlueBug: Blue
- Bonnie Builds: Tulips
- BrampP: bramP
- BriannaPlayz: Brianna
- Brincando com a Keke: Keke
- BrittanyPlays: Brittany
- Bubbles: bubbles
- Builderboy TV: Builderboy
- Buur: Buur
- ByDerank: ByDerank
- Calixo: Calixo
- CaptainTate21 Captain
- Cari: Cari
- CatFer: CatFer
- Celestial Roblox: Celestial
- Cerority: Cero
- Cerso: Cerso
- Chocoblox: Chocoblox
- Chrisandthemike: Chrisatm
- Chrisu Gaming: Chrisu
- Cleanse Beam: Clean
- Comfy Sunday: Cutely
- Conor3D: Conor3D
- Cookie Cutter: CANDY
- Cosmic: Cosmic
- CPat: CPat
- CQQP: cqqp
- CraftedRL: Crafted
- Craxel: craxel
- CrazyErzy: CrazyErzy
- Cryptize- cryptize
- CrystalSims: Crystal
- CyberNova Games: Cybernova
- Cylito: Cylito
- DandanPH: Dandan
- Danny Jesden: Danny
- DaPanda Girl: PandaWanda
- DatBrian: DatBrian
- Daylin’s FunHouse: FunSquad
- DeeterPlays: DeeterPlay
- DefildPlays: Defild
- DeGoBloX: Dego
- Denis: Denis
- DfieldMark: DfieldMark
- Digito Plays: Digito
- Digopollo: Pollo
- DimerDillon: DIMER
- Draconite Dragon: Draco
- DV Plays: DV
- elemperadormaxiyt: Emperador
- elitelupus: elite
- El Trollino: Trollino
- EmpireBlox: EmpireBlox
- Ephicsea: Ephicsea
- ErikCarr: ErikCarr
- Ernie3C: Ernie3C
- Evanbear1: EB1
- Fadedplayz: Faded
- Faeglow: Glow
- FakerUp: fakerup
- FanaticalLight: Fanatic
- FancySmash: Fancy
- Fini Juega: Fini
- Fishy: Fishy
- Flamingo: Flamingo
- Flebsy: Flebsy
- Flexer97YT: Otaku
- Flxral: Flxral
- Fnatic: iifnatik
- Folix: Folix
- Fraser2TheMax: F2TM
- Frenchrxses: Rose
- Frite: Frite
- FUDZ: Fudz
- FunkySquad413: Funky
- FunnyBunny: bunny
- Furious Jumper: Furious
- FusionZGamer: Fusion
- Fuzz: Fuzz
- Gaby gamer: Gaby
- GallantGaming: Gallant
- Gamer Hexapod: Hexapod
- Gamer Kawaii: kawaii
- GamingMermaid: Mermaid
- GamingWithKev: GWKFamily
- GamingwithVYT: V
- GianBlox: GianBlox
- GoingLimited: GOING
- GoldenGlare: Gold
- gorygaming24601: Gory
- grace k: gracek
- GraserPlays: graser
- Gravycatman: Gravy
- Gunslaya: Gun
- HandN: HandN
- hannahlovescows: Cows
- HappyBlack: happyblack
- HelloItsVG: VG
- HeyItsJames: James
- HeyRosalina: Rosalina
- heysant2018: HeySant
- Honey the Unicorn: Honey
- Hxyila: Hxyila
- Hyper: Hyper
- HyperCookie: Cookie
- I_lovejava: Java
- iamSanna: iamSanna
- IBella: Bella
- ibemaine: IBeMaine
- iBugou: iBugou
- iFresproYT: iFres
- iGuz: iGuz
- iiiSxphie: Angel
- iKotori: iKotori
- iLeahxo: Leah
- ImaGamerGirl: gamergirl
- Inemafoo: Inemafoo
- Infernasu: Infernasu
- inquisitormaster: Alex
- IntelPlayz: INTELPLAYZ
- invictor: invictor
- iTown Gameplay: iTown
- Its Ashley Playz YT: Ash
- ItsFunneh: Funneh
- ItsMatrix: Matrix
- Its SugarCoffee: SugarCoffe
- ItzVexo: ItzVexo
- It’s Akeila: Akeila
- It’s Siena: Siena
- Jackeryz: Jack
- Jake Globox: Globox
- Jake Puding: Pudim
- JamieThatBloxer: Jamie
- Janet and Kate: TEAMJK
- jatatochip: jatato
- javie12: javie12
- Jayingee: Jake
- J-Bug: jbug
- JD: JD
- Jeenius: Jeen
- Jeffblox: Jeffblox
- Jenstine: jenstine
- JeromeASF: Jerome
- jeruhmi: cat
- JessEmma: Butterfly
- jessetc: Jesse
- JesuaCunnigham: Jesua
- Jie GamingStudio: JIE
- JoeyDaPlayer: Joey
- JoJocraftHP: JoJo
- Juegahora: Zanahoria
- Julia MineGirl -MineGirl
- JunRoots: JunRoots
- Jvnq: Jvnq
- JymbowSlice: Jymbow
- Kaden Fumblebottom: Kaden
- Karim Juega: KarimJuega
- Karola20: Karola20
- Kavra: Kavra
- Kawaii Kunicorn: kunicorn
- Keisyo: cat
- Kelogish: Kelo
- Kelvingts: Kelvin
- KepuTheCat: Kepu
- Kindly Keyin Star: Keyin
- KingOfYouTube: King
- Kori: Kori
- KraoESp: KraoESp
- KreekCraft: RealKreek
- KrystinPlays: Krystin
- L0GinHDi: LOGinHDi
- Landon: Quack
- LaniRoblox: LANI
- LankyBox: LankyBox
- LariGamer: LariGamer
- Laughability: Laugh
- Lawlieet 20: Lawlieet20
- LazarBeam: LAZAR
- Leah Ashe: LeahAshe
- LegolazYoutube: Legolaz
- LiaBlossoms: Blossoms
- Liege North: Liege
- Linkmon99: Linkmon99
- locus: locus
- Lokis: Lokis
- Lonnie: Lonnie
- Lons Gamer: Lons
- Luky- Luky
- LunaBlox: LunaBlox
- Lunar Eclipse: Lunar
- Luuy: Luuy
- Lyna: Lyna
- Mackenzie Turner Roblox: Cuties
- Maeva Games Videos: Maeva
- Magikarp Films: Magikarp
- Maislie: Maislie
- Manucraft: manucraft
- Mariana Nana: MariNana
- MathFacter360: Math
- MatrixPlaysRB: Matrix
- Matsbxb: Mats
- mayrushart: mayrushart
- MbrPankeyk: Pancake
- MeganPlays: MeganPlays
- MelzinhaMel Games: Melzinha
- MiaGames: MiaGames
- Miannn: Miannn
- MicroGuardian: Micro
- MikeyDood: MIKEY
- MK: mk
- Model8197: MODEL
- MoFlare: Moflare
- MrLokazo86: MrLokazo86
- MuneebParwazMP: Muneeb
- Mxddsie: Pink
- MyUsernamesThis: Bacon
- NanoProdigy: Nano
- NapkinNate: Napkin
- Natasha Panda: Panda
- Nezi Plays Roblox: EpicSquad
- NicksDaga: NicksDaga
- Nicole Kimmi: Kiwwis
- Nicole Maffi: Maffi
- Night_foxx: NightFoxx
- NO_DATA: purple
- Noangy: BYN
- Noclypso: Noclypso
- Notive: Notive
- NotThnxCya: ThnxCya
- O1G: O1G
- ObliviousHD: Oblivious
- oGVexx: oGVexx
- okgamerman: Playonyx
- Ominous Nebula: Ominous
- OneSpottedFriend: Friend
- Oscar: Oscar
- OurFire Plays: Ourfire
- PaintingRainbows: Rainbow
- PandazPlay: Pandaz
- Pankayz: Pankayz
- Papile: Jupapile
- PeepGuy: Peep
- PeetahBread: Peetah
- PGHLFilms: PGHLFilms
- Phoeberry: Phoeberry
- Pietragamesyt: pietrayt
- PiggyMasterZ: PMZ
- PiggyPlayz: Animal
- PinkfateGames: Pinky
- PinkLeaf: PinkLeaf
- Playonyx: Playonyx
- Plech: Plech
- Poke: Poke
- PotatoSaladMan: Potato
- PremiumSalad: Premium
- PrestonPlayz: Preston
- Pretzel Etzel: Pretzel
- PREZLEY: prezley
- Prime Furious: Prime
- Princess Royale: Princess
- Proton Plays Roblox: proton
- Raconidas: Raconidas
- Rainster: Rainster
- Rainway: Rainway
- Rambling Ramul: Ram
- Rareyma: Rarey
- RazorFishGaming: Razorfish
- Realistic_GamingMC95: Realistic
- Realrosesarered: Realroses
- RealSubZeroExtabyte: Subzero
- RedKill: Redkill
- Rektway: rektway
- RELL GAMES -rell
- Remainings: Remainings
- RenLeaf: PinkLeaf
- RiusPlay: RiusPlay
- Roblox Minigunner: Minigunner
- Robstix: robstix
- Roof: roof
- Rovi23: Rovi23
- roxhiroblox: Roxy
- RoxiCake Gamer: Awadeuwu
- Royale Dior: Dior
- Royale Roleplay: Royale
- Ruby Games: Ruby
- RufflesOfficial: Ruffles
- RussoPlays: Russo
- ryguyrocky: Ryguyrocky
- S_Viper: viper
- SallyGreenGamer: SallyGreen
- ScooterSmash0: Smash
- ScriptedMatt: Scripted
- SD Mittens: SDMittens
- Sebee: Sebee
- Seedeng: See
- SeerRblx: seer
- Seniac: Seniac
- Senior: Senior
- SGC_Shane: ShanePlays
- SharkBL0X: SharkBlox
- Shaylo: Shaylo
- Signicial: Signicial
- SiimplyBubliie: bubliie
- Silent Playz: Silent
- Silly on Roblox: Silly
- Sketch: Sketch
- SkippyPlays: Skippy
- skyleree: Sky
- Sleghart: sleghart
- Smurfzin: smurf
- SnowRBX: snow
- Snug Life: Snug
- Sons of Fun: sonsSontix: Sontix
- Sopo Squad Gaming: sopo
- Soy Blue: azul
- Squid Magic: squid
- SrtaLuly: SrtaLuly
- StaTick: Statick
- Stevebloxian: Steve
- Straw: Straw
- StronbolYT: Stronbol
- Sub’s Blox World: Sub
- Suliin18YT: Suliin18YT
- SunsetSafari: SUNSET
- Super Dog Tyler: super
- SweePee: SweePee
- TanqR: TanqR
- Tapparay: Tapparay
- TapWater: Tap
- TBNRwife: Brianna
- Teenager Paul: Paul
- Telanthric: Telanthric
- Temprist: temprist
- Terabrite Games: Brite
- Tex HS: TexHS
- Th3c0nnman: Conn
- ThatGuy: ThatGuy
- TheEvilShark: animal
- The Frustrated Gamer: TFG
- TheGreatACE: ACE
- THE KAPOLAR: Kapolar
- TheLaughingUnicorn: Kristie
- The Meg and Mo Show -MEGA
- The Monkey: Monkey
- therealcybernova: Cybernova
- TheRoPo: RopoRoblox
- Thinknoodles Noodles
- Thiq Betty: Thiq
- ThnxCya: ThnxCya
- Thumbs Up Family: TUFGAMING
- Tigre TV: tigretv
- TinenQa: TinenQa
- Tinyturtle Roblox: Tinyturtle
- TitanHammerYT: Titan
- Tofuu: Tofuu
- Tooquick: Tooquick
- ToxicJim: Toxic
- ToyHeroesMolly: Toyheroes
- TrafTheOpest: Opest
- TroyanoNanoReturns: Troyanito
- Turtles Wear Raincoats: turtle
- TussyGames: Tussy
- TW Dessi: Dessi
- TwiistedPandora: Twiisted
- Tx_cle: Txcles
- Unicorn Twins: PIZZA
- V2 Plays: V2
- ValenLatina: ValenStar
- VeD_DeV: VeDDeV
- VikingPrincessJazmin: VPJ
- Volt: Volt
- Waike: Waike
- XanderPlaysThis: Xander
- xdarzethx: Gremlins
- Xegothasgot: Xegot
- xEnesR: Enes
- XericPlayz: Xeric
- xMarcelo: xMarcelo
- xThyEdgarx: Edgar
- Yayixd Changuito: Yayixd
- Yokai: Yokai
- YoSoyLoki: Loki
- yTowakGb: yTowakGb
- Z_Nac: Znac
- Z00LD: Z00LDYT
- ZacharyZaxor: TheSquad
- ZaiLetsPlay: Zai
- ZephPlayz: ZephPlayz
- Zepyxl: zepyxl
- Zerophyx: zerophyx
- ZulyYT: ZulyYT
How Roblox Star codes are redeemed

Just before you purchase Robux from Roblox, the option to use a Roblox Star code is available, though it quickly goes unnoticed. It is somewhat hidden, with the text box obscured by a link. To redeem a Roblox Star code, log into Roblox and follow these steps:
Step 1: Select the Robux tab at the top. Afterwards, choose an amount of Robux to purchase.
Step 2: To the left of the payment options, select the hyperlink “Click Here to add a Star code.” In doing so, a text box will appear.
Step 3: Enter a Roblox Star code. Only one can be used during your purchase.
You can now pick a payment option and finish the process. It should be noted the Roblox Star code stays active for several weeks. You don't have to put the same code in if you purchase Robux again within the operational timeframe. It remains valid without your input. It's not a bad way of supporting your favourite content creator, no matter how small of a contribution.
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