Rosaria | Genshin Impact- Appearence,personality,Rating,Best Builds and FAQs

Last Modified Dec 14, 2021 09:52 GMT

Repent sinners! Though she certainly doesn’t look the part, Rosaria is a nun in service of Mondstadt’s church who prefers dishing out icy retribution and drinking rather than sermons or choirs. She is a Cryo Polearm user who can boost the crit rate of her allies while doing consistent Cryo damage with her elemental burst. If you wish to see how she plies her trade in the dead of night, read this guide!

How to get Rosaria in Genshin Impact?

Rosaria is a 4-star Character that is always available across all banners. On occasion she gets a rate up banner alongside the featured 5 Star character for the cycle that greatly increases your chance of rolling her, so keep an eye out in order to maximize your chance of getting her!

1. Combat Info

→ Ascensions and Stats

Ascension PhaseLevelBase HPBase ATKBase DEFSpecial Stat (ATK)
MoraGemsCharacter Level Up Materials Materials Materials
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)20,0001 Shivada Jade SilverN/A3 Valberries3 Recruit’s Insignia
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)40,0003 Shivada Jade Fragment2 Hoarfrost Core10 Valberries15 Recruit’s Insignia
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)60,0006 Shivada Jade Fragment4 Hoarfrost Core20 Valberries12 Sergeant’s Insignia
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)80,0003 Shivada Jade Chunk8 Hoarfrost Core30 Valberries18 Sergeant’s Insignia
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)100,0006 Shivada Jade Chunk12 Hoarfrost Core45 Valberries12 Lieutenant’s Insignia
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)120,0006 Shivada Jade Gemstone20 Hoarfrost Core60 Valberries24 Lieutenant’s Insignia

→ Talents

Spear of the Church-Normal Attack

Normal Attack

Performs up to five consecutive spear strikes.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to opponents along the way.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Ravaging Confession-Elemental Skill

Rosaria swiftly shifts her position to appear behind her opponent, then stabs and slashes them with her polearm, dealing Cryo DMG.

This ability cannot be used to travel behind opponents of a larger build.

Rites of Termination- Elemental Burst

Rosaria's unique take on this prayer ritual: First, she swings her weapon to slash surrounding opponents; then, she summons a frigid Ice Lance that strikes the ground. Both actions deal Cryo DMG.

While active, the Ice Lance periodically releases a blast of cold air, dealing Cryo DMG to surrounding opponents.

Regina Probationum- 1st Ascension Passive

When Rosaria strikes an opponent from behind using Ravaging Confession, Rosaria's CRIT Rate increases by 12% for 5s.

Shadow Samaritan- 4th Ascension Passive

Casting Rites of Termination increases CRIT Rate of all nearby party members (except Rosaria herself) by 15% of Rosaria's CRIT Rate for 10s.

CRIT Rate Bonus gained this way cannot exceed 15%.

Night Walk- Utility Passive

At night (18:00 – 6:00), it increases the Movement SPD of your own party members by 10%.

Does not take effect in Domains, Trounce Domains, or Spiral Abyss. Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the same effects.

→ Talent Upgrade

Talent LevelRequired Ascension LevelMoraCommon Materials Talent Level Up Materials
1 → 22*12,5006 Recruit’s Insignia3 Teachings of Ballad
2 → 33*17,5003 Sergeant’s Insignia 2 Guide to Ballad
3 → 43*25,0004 Sergeant’s Insignia 4 Guide to Ballad
4 → 54*30,0006 Sergeant’s Insignia 6 Guide to Ballad
5 → 64*37,5009 Sergeant’s Insignia 9 Guide to Ballad
6 → 75*120,0004 Lieutenant’s Insignia4 Philosophies of Ballad1 Shadow of the Warrior
7 → 8260,0006 Lieutenant’s Insignia6 Philosophies of Ballad1 Shadow of the Warrior
8 → 95*450,0009 Lieutenant’s Insignia12 Philosophies of Ballad2 Shadow of the Warrior
9 → 105*700,00012 Lieutenant’s Insignia16 Philosophies of Ballad2 Shadow of the Warrior1 Crown of Insight

→ Constellation

2. Availability

→ Paimon's Bargains


→ Event Wishes

As a 4-star Character, Rosaria can be found in the following Wishes

-Standard Wish Wanderlust Invocation (Indefinite)

-Beginners' Wish (Indefinite until all 20 wishes have been made)

-All Character Event Wishes and Weapon Event Wishes

Be on the lookout for when she is announced for a rate up on a Character Event Wish!

3. Personality

Rosaria is very far from what one would consider the standard for one in service in the church. She has a sharp tongue and regularly only does the bare minimum so she can enjoy her time off, usually spent at her favorite taverns. She regularly skips church activities and Barbara is usually dispatched to help locate her whereabouts. Don’t let her slacker facade fool you though as when she’s on the clock, Rosaria is deadly efficient in both the figurative and literal sense, acting as an enforcer for the church. She is also extremely perceptive which is borne from her keen intuition from her former life as a bandit.

4. Appearance

Rosaria immediately stands out with her ghostly greyish skin tone and tall, shapely figure. She has choppy crimson hair with a single dark red lock in the front and seemingly permanent baggy eyelids with magenta eyes. Her heavily modified nun habit is black and red with a silver tiara at the top of her coif, tattered towards the end and it gives the illusion of long flowing hair. She has a form fitting turtleneck with the sleeves detached, wearing razor sharp finger claws on her hands, and wears a long black and red slit skirt that shows off her black fishnet tights and silver high heels. Her Cryo vision can be found on her lower back.

5. Character Stories

→ Character Details

Rosaria is one of the sisters of Mondstadt's Church of Favonius. Though she is just as much a woman of the cloth as the likes of Barbara and Jilliana, people tend to make a mental distinction between Rosaria and other members of the clergy.

While she might dress the part — at least, to a certain extent — her speech and actions do not reflect her office in the slightest. Furthermore, she displays even less reverence towards the gods than the ordinary citizens, and routinely skips her various church engagements.

She comes, goes and acts in solitude, and if she were ever to make an appearance in the Cathedral, it would be to smoke in the rearmost pew. Such a lone wolf is Rosaria that perhaps she should be considered a clergywoman in name only.

→ Character Story 1

If Rosaria has been lectured once, she has been lectured a thousand times before concerning her unorthodox behavior.

For some reason, however, she has never faced any serious consequences for her transgressions. She does not work together with her church colleagues and only rarely shows up to celebratory events in the city.

The strange and mysterious Rosaria moves about almost like a wisp of black smoke — blink, and you'll miss her as she disappears into thin air.

Her social interactions are never more than superficial, and the rest of the time she keeps herself to herself.

However, Sister Victoria would say that the ever good-natured Barbara is one person who has always made the effort to get close to Rosaria.

"Please don't smoke in the Cathedral..." "Could you try to attend the ceremony on time next time...?"

"And... Hey, come back, I'm still talking to you!"

Barbara is forever anxiously chasing after Rosaria, urging her to complete her various daily tasks. Yet even when faced with Barbara, the beloved idol of Mondstadt, Rosaria remains completely unmoved. Surely her heart can't be completely made of stone?

→ Character Story 2

Rosaria's movements are unpredictable as she often leaves without notifying anyone and can be gone for up to several days on end.

During these times, none of her church colleagues know where to find her.

One of the sisters who took it upon herself to observe Rosaria once groused that "even a stray cat should at least give you notice before running off..."

Rosaria uses these disappearances to do work that only she can do in corners unseen by others.

An unfamiliar merchant, a suspicious traveler — are these people threats to Mondstadt?

She investigates, shadows, and if necessary, interrogates.

If they must disappear, then Rosaria shall be the last person they meet.

Such dark work, which cannot see the light of day, is to be done by her hand alone.

She always sets out after the sun has set, finishing her work in one fell swoop. Sometimes, if she makes it back by the crack of dawn, she gets to usher in the day ahead with a glass of breakfast wine.

The people of Mondstadt live in the golden sunlight but Rosaria dwells under the silver moonlight.

It is a cold, piercing light... just like that of the ice she forms with her Cryo abilities.

"There are some things that young people need not know," Rosaria thinks.

Though, in her eyes, "young people" means all citizens of Mondstadt who live in the light of the sun, regardless of their age.

→ Character Story 3

Like a puff of smoke, the lackadaisical Rosaria is impossible to pin down.

Nevertheless, once she takes on a job, she can be relied on to handle it with the utmost professionalism.

"Lazy" is the last word that anyone would use to describe her ruthless interrogations of suspicious individuals.

She also possesses exceptional strength and knows the weaknesses of the human body like the back of her hand — and has no reservations about using this knowledge to kill.

People know her as the lazy, chain-smoking sister, but behind the scenes she is a formidable purveyor of justice.

A strange fate for one who ostensibly basks in the light of the gods.

What led her to become a blood-soaked slayer? Why does she stay silent while others praise the gods for their protection?

Perhaps it should come as no surprise that Rosaria was not born and bred in Mondstadt.

"A city that is fortunate enough to be boring always needs someone to do the dirty work..."

Rosaria stubs her cigarette out as she speaks in her characteristically languid manner.

"And as far as I'm concerned, the things I deal with are far simpler than living the life of a traditional sister."

→ Character Story 4

Rosaria may not be one to attend prayer meetings, but that does not mean she doesn't have her own theological viewpoints.

In her view, freedom is the spiritual pillar of Mondstadt's people, and it is the very thing that caused her to end up here in the first place.

Rosaria was born in a remote mountain village, but was taken from her home shortly after birth by the very same bandits who drenched it in blood.

Raised by those crooks, she learned how to fight, sometimes thieving, other times doing odd jobs for the crew.

She was their servant, but also their tool, a crook, yet still a child.

She fought against outsiders and her comrades alike, and growing up was a constant battle for survival against hunger and cold.

Rosaria's youth was just like Mondstadt's sunset — blood-red from horizon to horizon, and so fleeting that night had fallen before she'd had the chance to stop and take in the view.

Ultimately, the bandit crew was wiped out by the Knights of Favonius. As their youngest member, Rosaria was judged to have a chance of rehabilitation.

Grand Master Varka brought her to Mondstadt. Sincerely hoping that she might someday fit in here, he advised her:

"Go to the Cathedral and be cleansed by the light of our archon. You still have the chance to turn your fate around and live a normal life."

But Varka had not counted on Rosaria constantly skipping classes and dodging hymnal.

She would rather hunt in the wild than settle into a life of dutiful service as a sister. As far as she was concerned, the golden sunlight was not so much cleansing as blinding.

For Rosaria had long since come to understand that she was a child of the moonlight, and it was inevitable that she would someday return to the embrace of darkness.

→ Character Story 5

Rosaria, the Church's number one truant, became infamous for her absence very early on.

"Miss Rosaria, please, show a little more circumspection in your actions! You are a member of the Church. How is it appropriate that you simply never turn up for hymn practice?"

"Please calm down, Sister Ophila. Miss Rosaria, I'm told that you have never attended a single one of your compulsory classes. Is that so?"


"Mother Maria, please look at this... Rosaria's theological essay is an utter mess!"

"Miss Rosaria, if I may ask frankly... do you intend to do any work at all here at the Church?"

"No. I've already found other work."

Rosaria never showed so much as a hint of anxiety in any of these exchanges. What's more, it was true — she had indeed found other work for herself, and much darker work at that.

The unexpected twist was that she would ultimately end up doing this work under the aegis of the Church.

Rosaria the novice did not leave the clergy, but instead became Sister Rosaria without much incident.

Nevertheless, when she's not on a mission, she does everything she can to avoid attending church activities, instead heading to the taverns to drink or scaling the city walls to view the scenery.

And when she simply cannot escape a church engagement, you can be sure that she will be the first to leave.

The instant the workday is done, Rosaria vanishes.

Whether by bright day or dark night, there is one principle that she will never transgress: no overtime.

→ Church Issue Journal

A journal with a white cover. The words "Church of Favonius" are inscribed on the cover.

The handwriting is beautiful, but the content is of the most banal variety imaginable.

"Dandelion Wine — now eighty percent off!"

"Fisherman's Toast — an incredible flavor at an unbelievable price!"

"Crazy discounts on Wheat — ask at the counter and we'll grind it into Flour for you."

"Buy three Tomatoes and get one free!"

"Fresh Small Lamp Grass! Use it to light up your bathroom! Come on, Sir, have a look!"

There is something incongruous about a random assortment of marketplace cries and advertising slogans having been penned by such a graceful and elegant hand.

This journal is a relic from Rosaria's novice days.

Clearly, she must have skipped class and headed to the rooftops on the merchant street, bathing in the sun, listening to the eclectic cries of the street vendors, and committing them to paper.

→ Vision

Rosaria's Vision came to her on a particularly frigid night.

Things were getting desperate for the bandit gang — people were starving and the food supplies were dwindling.

Never able to eat her fill, Rosaria was driven by hunger to flee into the freezing wind rather than continue another second with the hard labor she was forced to endure.

One of the elders of the gang pursued her and brought her back.

He was the very person who had taken her from the village of her birth, and the one who had taught her how to kill.

"Fleeing makes you a traitor, and traitors can only earn their freedom through victory in combat."

The old bandit tossed Rosaria an old dagger.

"Well, come on then! Kill me, and you can leave this place. I'm long in the tooth now, while you've got youth on your side. You can do this, can't ya?"

No one thought that she would be able to kill him — and yet, the old lion would indeed fall by the newborn cub's claws.

Thus did the bandits lose an old member and welcome a new one that very night.

The bandits were reluctant to accept Rosaria at first since she had slain one of their own but they quickly had a change of heart after seeing the Vision in her hand.

Surely, a Vision wielder had to be far stronger than some old coot who was about to kick the bucket right? And she ate less, to boot... They could save some food this way.

Meanwhile, a question crept into Rosaria's frozen heart:

Did he let me replace him on purpose? ...Could a false father have harbored genuine affection for a child he stole so arbitrarily?

6. Namecard

HOW TO OBTAIN: Reach Friendship Level 10 with Rosaria

Description: The unselfish warmth and goodwill of the people is, to her, a kindness that she must repay, and so it is an indenture that follows her forever.

7. Constellation

“Spinea Corona” meaning “Crown of Thorns” in Latin

8. Quests and Events

→ Archon Quests

  1. Chapter I
  2. Act IV: We Will Be Reunited
  3. Dishonorable Trial

→ Story Quests

  1. Princeps Cretaceus Chapter (Albedo's personal questline)
  2. Act I: Traveler Observation Report
  3. The Rumored Alchemist
  4. The Genius Researcher and the Seed of Another World
  5. The Final Experiment: Withering Glory

→ Events

  1. Invitation of Windblume
  2. Act II: Missive of Cloud and Fog
  3. Act III: Realm of Fog and Wind

9. Character Interactions

Rosaria mentions the following characters in her voiceover lines










Rosaria is mentioned by the following characters in their voiceover lines





10. Trivia

-Rosaria was the first 4-star character with a collected Miscellany video on MiHoyo’s official channels

- Her name seems to be derived from the latin word for “rosary”, being “rosarium”

- At the time of this article, she is the only character from Mondstadt who wields a polearm

11. Explainer Video

12. FAQs

What role is best for Rosaria?

Rosaria can easily play towards either the physical or cryo sides of her kit depending on build and weapon. She can be played as an on field physical DPS or an off field quick swapping sub DPS option with good utility

What artifact set is good for Rosaria ?

If you want something generalist and flexible, 2PC Blizzard Strayer (15% Cryo DMG) and 2PC Gladiator’s Finale/Shimenawa’s Reminiscence (18% ATK) is a good choice. If you want to learn more towards a supportive build, go 4PC Noblesse Oblige (20% Elemental Burst Damage and 20% ATK for entire party). If you really wanna lean into the physical damage, 4PC Pale Flame (25% Phys DMG, doubled to 50% after 2 uses of Elemental Skill, and 9% ATK per use stacking twice) or 4PC Gladiator’s Finale

What is Rosaria’s best weapon?

Rosaria is flexible enough that she can use virtually any of the high end spears depending on what you’re using her for. For those looking for more immediately available options, Crescent Pike is a great choice if you plan on using her as an on field Physical DPS, whilst Favonius Lance is great for both utility and Cryo based builds

13. Final Thoughts

Rosaria’s flexibility grants her a lot of potential uses in a wide variety of teams

Compositions, making her a bonafide Jack-Of-All-Trades.. No matter what direction you may wish to take her, be it Main DPS, Sub DPS, or utility, there is no real wrong choice with this femme fatale enforcer of the church.

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