The Sanrio series was a set of Amiibo cards that were sold in packs during the release of Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Inside these packs were Amiibos that contained both furniture and villagers. Scanning these Amiibo allows you to send the contents of these cards to your in-game island. Popular during the time, demand for these cards have recently peaked as these Amiibo are now compatible with New Horizons.
Sanrio Villagers
In the Amiibo pack there are six unique villagers that you can bring in and invite to your island. What makes these villagers rare and sought out is that outside of owning the amiibo cards, there is no other way to acquire any of them within the game. They will not appear at Campsites or be found wandering on an island. Elusive and exclusive, many have tried their best to get these villagers for themselves. The six Sanrio Amiibo exclusive villagers are:
Chai, a Peppy elephant
Chelsea, a Normal deer
Étoile, a normal sheep
Marty, a Lazy cub
Rilla, a Peppy gorilla
And Toby, a Lazy rabbit
Sanrio Furniture
Alongside furniture, the Sanrio Amiibos also contained exclusive furniture that you can’t get from the Nook store or a terminal in City Hall. On top of that, each theme is exclusive to a card. While now everything comes in one pack, the previous iteration had cards distributed at random, meaning you had to get several packs for a shot at the furniture you wanted, and it was never a guarantee.
The furniture from each card represents the character that they come bundled with and can usually be bought with bells.
The inclusion of the Sanrio Amiibo collection was a no brainer as with the booming popularity of New Horizons, it was an easy way to keep players engaged with the game. Still, due to the huge demand for these Amiibo packs, stock for these cards have quickly dwindled. When they were first released to the public, the card packs sold out instantly. Getting an official pack for yourself is easier said than done as the demand for these amiibo are still high.