Battlegrounds Mobile India is all set to make an official comeback in the country. Krafton recently released early access to the game for all users on the Google Play Store.
Soul Regaltos is one of the most renowned streamers on YouTube and other platforms. He is often considered the backbone of team Soul and has made his team proud in lots of moments.
Soul Regaltos Battlegrounds Mobile India ID
Soul Regaltos Battlegrounds Mobile India ID is 593193849. His in-game or IGN is SouLReGaLToS. His current popularity is 200k plus, and he is using the Season 8 Conqueror title on his profile. Soul Regaltos is a three-finger claw player and uses Scope-On gyro settings. His achievement points are 4875 as of yet.
Soul Regaltos Battlegrounds Mobile India K/D ratio and stats
Squad stats
Soul Regaltos has only played three classic matches in the current season of BGMI and emerged victorious in two of them. His total kills are 19, with an impressive K/D ratio of 6.33. His highest kills in a single match are 11, and his headshot percentage is 10.5%. His average damage is 1014.7, with an accuracy of 11.5%.
Soul Regaltos Battlegrounds Mobile India Tier stats
Regaltos's tier rank in squad classic matches is PLatinum V. His tier rank in Solo is Silver V and duo tier rank is also Silver V.
Check out: How to purchase Royale Pass in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)
Soul Regaltos' social handles
Soul Regalotos has 1.93 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He has posted more than 600 videos on his channel and has gained over 290 million views in total.
He is active on Instagram with 949k followers and has posted 372 posts. He posts stuff related to his professional gaming life and personal life on Instagram. He has a verified account on Twitter with 37.9k followers.
Note: The stats in this article were recorded at the time of writing. They are subject to change as the players continue to play more games in Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Related reading: How to push to Conqueror in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI)