If we had a quarter for every time we talked about the phenomena of ‘simps’, we would all be considerably richer. The fact is: almost every female streamer, at some point in time, has been accused of having ‘simps’ as their fans. Pokimane and Neekolul, who are some of the most popular female streamers around, are said to have a huge number of ‘simp’ fans.
Furthermore, we can also talk about some bizarre lawsuits that were filed against Twitch asking for female streamers' removal from the platform. Although such a lawsuit is almost certainly going to be a failure, the existence of ‘simps’ is something that is talked about almost on a daily basis.

Regardless, sometimes an incident takes place out of the blue, which fills people with hope that ‘simping’ will finally die down. In a rather hilarious incident that took place recently, we saw a man interrupting his female friend's stream, only to warn viewers to stay away from her content!
The incident has since been covered by notable YouTuber ItsAGundam rather hilariously.
Streamer's friend crashes her live-stream and warns 'simps' to steer clear of her
The video began with a montage of some female streamers who are said to have a lot of ‘simps’ as their fans. The YouTuber mocked these streamers and their rather ‘sketchy’ brand of content. He explained that the internet needs people to take this menace of ‘simps’ more seriously and then spoke about the incident at hand.

After a rather elaborate introduction of the streamer, who is not actually a streamer, he explained the incident. As it turns out, ‘Ming’ is a friend of a random female Twitch streamer who decided to interrupt her stream. He walked into the room, found his friend squatting near her bed and then walked over to the camera to find hundreds of people watching her.
This angered Ming, who asked them to stop watching the stream multiple times. He further proclaimed that he is very angry and drooped his shoulder down to explain himself, rather animatedly. Towards the end, he walked off, but not before calling the viewers something in Korean. We have no clue what the word meant, but are willing to bet our money on the fact that it wasn’t at all flattering for the viewers.

While we cannot be sure whether it was her brother or boyfriend who interrupted the stream, this was not the first time he has done so. In the past, Ming has even spoken about the uselessness of streaming. You can watch the video below for the entire incident.