Street Fighter 6 Dee Jay complete combo guide - BnB, Drive, Punish Counters, and more

Dee Jay may not be the best, but he can still bring the heat.
Here are some excellent combos for Dee Jay in Street Fighter 6 (Image via Capcom)

While some aren't impressed with Dee Jay in Street Fighter 6, he's still a powerful, fun character. He has the potential dominate the neutral ground with his charge attacks and solid normals. He might feel like a gimmicky character, but that doesn't mean he's not worth playing. Thankfully, there are lots of really interesting combos out there to use with this Jamaican powerhouse in Capcom's latest fighting game.

This article is a work in progress. As time goes, we'll add more combos for Dee Jay to keep players up to date with the latest fun tech for this character. From basic combos to complicated Drive Rush options, we've got you covered.

Dee Jay combo guide in Street Fighter 6

1) BnB/Basic combos for Dee Jay in Street Fighter 6

c.LK > c.LP XX D-U HK

Courtesy of MIR at VesperArcade, here is a basic Dee Jay combo for Street Fighter 6. He might not be the strongest character, but he's got a lot of potential, as you can see in this simple cancel into damage.


Thankfully, not all of Dee Jay's moves are charge inputs. This links a few medium strikes, before canceling into his EX Double Rolling Sobat, and another Double Rolling Sobat after that.

HP xx B-F.LP, LK xx QCF.MK

I've always found combos with charge characters to be particularly difficult. If you can buffer the back-forward input while the HP animation is going, this combo should be nice and simple for Street Fighter 6 players.

2) Easy Modern combos for Dee Jay

Jump Down.Light > Down.Light > Down.Special (Or EX)

OneStep showed a few useful Modern combos in one of his recent videos, going over Dee Jay's potential in Street Fighter 6. When jumping and using Light, you get a knee attack. So you hit that, crouch Light, and by then you already have charge for the Down Special.

[Auto] Medium > Special [EX] > Heavy > DownForward.Heavy

The auto version of the medium strike is a bit of a low one, so you combo that into a neutral Special (EX), and neutral Heavy into Down Forward Heavy. It's nice and easy, while also providing solid damge.

3) Drive Impact/Drive Rush combos for Dee Jay

DI > HP XX QCB.K-HK > Level 1 Super

VesperArcade has some pretty simple Drive Impact combos to use in the corner for Street Fighter 6's Dee Jay. This one cancels Heavy Punch into the Jus' Cool, including the follow-up kick. End that with a Level 1 Super for plenty of damage.


Similar to the above combo for Dee Jay, this Street Fighter 6 Drive Impact combo shifts an EX Jus' Cool into a Double Sobat (medium) in the corner. If you don't want to use a Level 1 Super, this is another great option.

c.LK > c.LP xx DR c.LP > c.HP > c.MP xx D-U HK/QCF.MK

This Drive Rush combo's a bit more intense. You'll need to cancel twice and work a charged input. Thankfully, the entire combo involves being crouching, until the Machine Gun Uppercut, so it's easy to land that special near the end of the combo in Street Fighter 6.

c.MP/HP xx DR MP > c.HP, c.MP xx QCB.LP xx LVL 3

Whether you use Crouching MP or Heavy Punch, you can cancel into Drive Rush Medium Punch and resume crouching. A Heavy, Medium, into the Jus' Cool; cancel that into Level 3 Super for mountains of damage.

4) Whiff Punish, Punish Counter, and Counter-Hit combos

c.MP PC > c.MP xx D-U.HK

A solid Punish Counter for Street Fighter 6, this crouch Medium Punches into another, which cancels into the Jackknife Maximum special attack. Since this again starts from a crouch, it takes the difficulty out of the punish.

HP PC xx B-F.LP > HP xx QCB.MP

This Punish Counter is a bit more difficult for me personally, but it's a powerful one nonetheless. From the Heavy Punch counter, you cancel to the light Fireball, and from Heavy Punch cancel into the Machine Gun Uppercut. If you can get that Fireball off, the rest of the combo should be easy.

This is just a selection of this World Warrior's combos for Street Fighter 6. As the game's life goes on, we'll update it with more content. If you have combos you'd like to share, feel free to DM me on Twitter with your combo video, including notation.

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