Tartaglia | Genshin Impact- Appearence,personality,Rating,Best Builds and FAQs

Last Modified Dec 14, 2021 09:32 GMT

Tartaglia, Childe, Ajax. The 11th of the 11 Fatui Harbingers goes by many names, but the one constant you can be assured of is his unparalleled lust for battle and the trail of watery destruction sure to be left in his wake. Tartagling is a Hydro Bow user who skillfully swaps between ranged and melee forms in order to mark and subsequently detonate his foes for incredible amounts of AoE Hydro damage. Be careful though, as poor time management can leave him near useless for extended periods of time. For those wanting to avoid such a fate, read this guide!

How to get Tartaglia in Genshin Impact?

At the time of this writing, Tartaglia is a character event exclusive character. This means that he cannot be rolled by any means until he is announced for a banner rate up. He was last available in Version 2.2.

1. Combat Info

→ Ascensions and Stats

Ascension PhaseLevelBase HPBase ATKBase DEFSpecial Stat (Hydro DMG Bonus)
MoraGemsCharacter Level Up Materials Materials Materials
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)20,0001 Varunada Lazurite SilverN/A3 Starconch3 Recruit’s Insignia
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)40,0003 Varunada Lazurite Fragment2 Cleansing Heart10 Starconch15 Recruit’s Insignia
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)60,0006 Varunada Lazurite Fragment4 Cleansing Heart20 Starconch12 Sergeant’s Insignia
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)80,0003 Varunada Lazurite Chunk8 Cleansing Heart30 Starconch18 Sergeant’s Insignia
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)100,0006 Varunada Lazurite Chunk12 Cleansing Heart45 Starconch12 Lieutenant’s Insignia
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)120,0006 Varunada Lazurite Gemstone20 Cleansing Heart60 Starconch24 Lieutenant’s Insignia

→ Talents

Cutting Torrent- Normal Attack

Normal Attack

Perform up to 6 consecutive shots with a bow.

1-Hit DMG%41.2844.644852.856.166065.2870.5675.8481.687.36
2-Hit DMG%46.2750.0353.859.1862.9567.2573.1779.098591.4697.92
3-Hit DMG%55.3859.8964.470.8475.3580.587.5894.67101.75109.48117.21
4-Hit DMG%57.0261.6666.372.9377.5782.8890.1797.46104.75112.71120.67
5-Hit DMG%60.8965.8470.877.8882.8488.596.29104.08111.86120.36128.86
6-Hit DMG%72.7678.6884.693.0698.98105.75115.06124.36133.67143.82153.97

Charged Attack

Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.

While aiming, the power of Hydro will accumulate on the arrowhead and an arrow fully charged with the torrent will deal Hydro DMG and apply the Riptide status.

Aimed Shot (%)43.8647.435156.159.6763.7569.3674.9780.5886.792.82
Fully-Charged Aimed Shot (%)124133.3142.6155164.3173.6186198.4210.8223.2235.6


Opponents affected by Riptide will suffer from AoE Hydro DMG effects when attacked by Tartaglia in various ways. DMG dealt in this way is considered Normal Attack DMG.

  1. Riptide Flash: A fully-charged Aimed Shot that hits an opponent affected by Riptide deals consecutive bouts of AoE DMG. Can occur once every 0.7s.
  2. Riptide Burst: Defeating an opponent affected by Riptide creates a Hydro burst that inflicts the Riptide status on nearby opponents hit.

Plunging Attack

Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

When Tartaglia is in Foul Legacy: Raging Tide's Melee Stance, he cannot perform a plunging attack.

Foul Legacy: Raging Tide Elemental Skill

Unleashes a set of weaponry made of pure water that deals Hydro DMG to surrounding opponents and enters Melee Stance.

In this Stance, Tartaglia's Normal and Charged Attacks are converted to Hydro DMG that cannot be overridden by any other elemental infusion and change as follows:

Normal Attack

Perform up to 6 consecutive Hydro strikes.

Charged Attack

Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash a cross slash and deals Hydro DMG.

Riptide Slash

Hitting an opponent affected by Riptide with a melee attack unleashes a Riptide Slash that deals AoE Hydro DMG. DMG dealt in this way is considered Elemental Skill DMG, and can only occur once every 1.5s.

After 30s or when the ability is unleashed again, this skill will end. Tartaglia will return to his Ranged Stance and this ability will enter the CD.

The longer Tartaglia stays in his Melee Stance, the longer the CD. If the return to a ranged stance occurs automatically after 30s, the CD is even longer.

Havoc: Obliteration Elemental Burst

Performs different attacks based on what stance Tartaglia is in when casting.

Ranged Stance: Flash of Havoc

Swiftly fires a Hydro-imbued magic arrow, dealing AoE Hydro DMG and applying the Riptide status.

Returns a portion of its Energy Cost after use.

Melee Stance: Light of Obliteration

Performs a slash with a large AoE, dealing massive Hydro DMG to all surrounding opponents, which triggers Riptide Blast.

Riptide Blast

When the obliterating waters hit an opponent affected by Riptide, it clears their Riptide status and triggers a Hydro Explosion that deals AoE Hydro DMG.

DMG dealt in this way is considered Elemental Burst DMG.

Never Ending- 1st Ascension Passive

Extends Riptide duration by 8s.

Sword of Torrents- 4th Ascension Passive

When Tartaglia is in Foul Legacy: Raging Tide's Melee stance, on dealing a CRIT hit, Normal and Charged Attacks apply the Riptide status effects to opponents.

Master of Weaponry- Utility Passive

Increases your own party members' Normal Attack Level by 1.

→ Talent Upgrade

Talent LevelRequired Ascension LevelMoraCommon Materials Talent Level Up Materials
1 → 22*12,5006 Recruit’s Insignia3 Teachings of Freedom
2 → 33*17,5003 Sergeant’s Insignia 2 Guide to Freedom
3 → 43*25,0004 Sergeant’s Insignia 4 Guide Freedom
4 → 54*30,0006 Sergeant’s Insignia 6 Guide Freedom
5 → 64*37,5009 Sergeant’s Insignia 9 Guide Freedom
6 → 75*120,0004 Lieutenant’s Insignia4 Philosophies of Freedom 1 Shard of a Foul LegacyLegacy
7 → 8260,0006 Lieutenant’s Insignia6 Philosophies of Freedom1 Shard of a Foul Legacy
8 → 95*450,0009 Lieutenant’s Insignia12 Philosophies of Freedom 2 Shard of a Foul Legacy
9 → 105*700,00012 Lieutenant’s Insignia16 Philosophies of Freedom 2 Shard of a Foul Legacy1 Crown of Insight

→ Constellation

2. Availability

→ Paimon's Bargains


→ Event Wishes

As a 5 star character, Tartaglia has been featured on 3 Event Wishes

Farewell of Snezhnaya 2020-11-11 - 2020-12-01

Farewell of Snezhnaya 2021-04-06 - 2021-04-27

Farewell of Snezhnaya 2021-10-13 - 2021-11-02

3. Personality

Tartaglia is capable of putting on airs as a sociable young man but don’t think for a second this is his true self unless you’re a family member. After falling into the Abyss as a child and meeting his master Skirk, enduring myriad trials and tribulations, he became a warrior of near insatiable bloodlust, always seeking to test himself in combat no matter the odds.

Even those he would consider his friends he sees as no more than fellow comrades sharpening each other’s prowess like steel onto steel. Childe has no qualms in seeing himself as a weapon, even describing himself as such to the Traveler. This puts him at odds with the rest of the Fatui, who tend to operate from the shadows and use espionage and subterfuge to accomplish their goals. Oftentimes, they manipulate his straightforward nature in order for his actions to match closely to their directives, but this isn’t always a successful tactic.

4. Appearance

It is said that eyes are the windows to the soul and that turn of phrase could not be any more true with Tartaglia’s hollowed, dull blue eyes that belie any attempt to seem like a normal well adjusted male. He has short orange hair with one lock noticeably upright and wears his Fatui mask on the left side of his head. He wears a grey jacket with a big white stripe that goes down the chest and has a cape hooked onto his right shoulder that goes out and across to his left one, flowing with the wind. His vision can be seen on his belt with the bottom of his jacket opened and his pants are a matching grey to his black boots

5. Character Stories

→ Character Details

Despite holding one of the most senior positions in the Fatui as one of the Eleven Harbingers, Childe very much looks like the young adult that he still is.

He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, however, for under the cheerful and confident appearance lies a deadly swordsman.

He is the youngest among the Harbingers, but one of the most dangerous among their number. That said, Childe doesn't seem to fit in well with the others.

As a fighter first and foremost, he is quite at odds with this organization of deceit and treachery.

→ Character Story 1

As the youngest Harbinger in the history of the Fatui, Childe is hardly bound by convention and plays by his own rules accordingly.

Though this lone wolf is not so well received by his peers and is also at odds with their methods, his cavalier demeanor hides a responsible, watertight meticulousness.

He is a proud man of his word and even if the promise he makes is absurd, he will never break it. Be it exterminating all the dragons inside their lairs, venturing into a domain of extreme danger, or single-handedly overthrowing the territory of a nobleman...

He not only keeps his promises, but also does so with finesse and surgical precision. As the Harbingers' vanguard, Childe always appears in the vulnerable underbellies of Snezhnaya's enemy states, striking as a conflict is about to erupt.

→ Character Story 2

Many myths in Snezhnaya say that Tartaglia has been on the battlefield since he was 14 years old.

Oddly enough, at that young age he already seemed to be a skilled slaughterer with mastery of many forms of martial arts.

But more terrifying than his skill in combat was his passion for it. Perilous battles would only excite him and terrifying foes would exhilarate him all the more.

Childe's arrogance and conceit are derived from honing himself across countless battles, and from unmatched combat experience.

On the other hand, because they fret about the way his quarrelsome personality tends to invite unwanted trouble, the other Harbingers constantly try to get him sent on missions to places as far from Snezhnaya as possible, so that they can avoid the fallout.

The man is incomprehensibly ever in the eye of the storm and these unusual experiences have also made him quite the show-off who revels in the praise of others.

Unlike other members of the Harbingers, who prefer to keep a low profile, Tartaglia will often go to watch public performances — occasionally even becoming part of the show himself.

→ Character Story 3

Ice fishing has been one of Tartaglia's hobbies since childhood.

In those days, he was known neither by the names Tartaglia nor "Childe," as the Fatui call him, but as Ajax, named by his father after some hero's tale. He and his father would cut holes open in frozen lakes, before sitting beside them and tend to their fishing lines.

This was no easy task and would sometimes take the entire morning.

But whether it was chiseling away at the thick ice or the long waits in between catches, he was always accompanied by his father's unending tales of adventure.

These were stories of his father's adventures from when he was young and they became the future that Tartaglia secretly envisioned for himself.

So he would pay close attention, putting himself into the shoes of the protagonist of those tales and immersing himself fully in them even as they waited for a fish to bite.

Even after leaving home, Ajax, later to be known as "Childe" Tartaglia, would keep up that hobby of his.

No longer accompanied by the stories of bygone days, fishing instead became an opportunity to train — to hone his endurance and reflect on combat techniques.

Such long periods of meditation to refine his skills swiftly relegated the question of a successful catch to irrelevance.

→ Character Story 4

Unlike what the rest of the world may think, Tartaglia was not born with his exceptional skills in battle.

But he would never speak to everyone about that critical fateful encounter of his...

When he was 14, he fled his monotonous life at home with nothing but a shortsword and a bag of bread in hand.

That 14-year-old boy got lost in the snowy forest.

Pursued by bears and wolf packs, he lost his footing and fell into a bottomless crack in the earth's surface.

There, he witnessed the endless possibilities of another ancient world. There, he would meet a mysterious swordswoman...

Or perhaps one should say that this dark realm had sensed the burning ambition in this boy's heart.

This darkness was something that the Harbinger Childe would never again delve into.

In those three months, the swordswoman taught Tartaglia how to pass through the Abyss unhindered, and more importantly, nurtured the ability to stir up endless havoc from within Ajax's trouble-mongering nature.

No one knew what happened within that darkness during those three months, nor would Ajax ever speak of this to anyone. When his worried mother and sisters finally found him in that forest, only 3 days had passed in this world.

Thus did Ajax's first adventure end, with his now-rusty shortsword in hand.

This would mark the end of his youth and the beginning of his days as a warrior.

→ Character Story 5

By the time he returned home, the young man was no longer the same.

He was no longer frightened and hesitant but had become frivolous and confident. He acted as if this world revolved around him, and as if battle existed for his sake.

Conflict often brings about change, and this capricious, incalculable change attracted Ajax like a revolving kaleidoscope.

In the eyes of his father, that third son he had been so worried about had changed for the worse, bringing much havoc uncalled-for to the seaside village of Morepesok.

Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that Ajax had become a nexus of strife, for no matter where he went, fights and squabbles would follow — and he reveled in it.

Ultimately, after a huge brawl was pacified with some difficulty and with some near-fatal misses, his father had no choice but to hand his beloved son over for conscription into the Fatui.

He hoped that the strict military training of the Fatui could hone his son's temper but wound up watching fully-armed troops getting the stuffing beaten out of them by a mere child.

This was a great disappointment to his father, but it also caught the attention of Pulcinella, the 5th Harbinger.

Shocked by Ajax's great strength, and curious about how he had invariably became the eye of a vortex of discord, Pulcinella inducted Ajax into the Fatui under the pretext of meting out punishment, ordering him to start from the bottom and take up the duty of serving the Tsaritsa.

His insatiable desire for conquest would thus be constantly satiated in fighting for the Fatui, and his ever-burgeoning ego would gorge upon the elation of vanquishing mighty foes...

Until at last, Ajax was chosen to be one of the Fatui Harbingers, donning the mantle of "Childe" Tartaglia and becoming one of the most powerful people in Snezhnaya.

But becoming Tartaglia was far from his end goal. To someone who sought to conquer the world, this was but a tiny step in his journey.

→ Tartaglia’s Letters to Home

"Dearest Sister, are you all keeping well at home? Has the old man's headache gotten any better?

Please send my regards to our parents and our siblings,

I've sent some wind chill medication over from Liyue Harbor. It's very effective and will probably keep him from nagging for a while. It should reach you after a few days.

Apart from our father's affairs, I naturally haven't forgotten about gifts for you all.

This letter should come with two kites from Liyue, a rattle drum, two porcelain dolls from Inazuma, and a crate full of various snacks.

And please break it to Anthon that the residents of Liyue are just boring old ordinary humans like us.

They're not made of stone, and they don't even eat stones.

Do not fret for my sake, Tonia, and refrain from making trouble for anyone at home. I will be home soon. When I have seized the seven stars of Liyue and laid them at the feet of Her Majesty the Tsaritsa, I will take the first ship home, just as I promised — and you know how I always keep my promises.

Yours faithfully, Your loyal knight."

→ Delusion

Tartaglia's Delusion is his old badge of honor and the proof of his strength.

He still remembers with perfect clarity the day when he received his Delusion and ascended to become a member of the Harbingers.

As he stood before the cold, stern Tsaritsa, The Jester, the very first of the Fatui, personally pinned this insignia onto him.

It was his reward for slaying many terrible beasts, and a memento of countless battles. But it was not this that brought Tartaglia joy, for honor is the natural reward of the warrior. Nor did he pay any mind to the odd looks his new "colleagues" gave him, for the opinions and bellyaches of others meant nothing to him.

The sight of the Tsaritsa on her lofty throne alone stirred the young man's heart with respect and admiration, not merely because she opened the way for him to find an abundance of looming battles, but also because of the way she looked upon him. Her gaze was cold but pure, arrogant yet sharp.

She was not only the sacrosanct Cryo Archon but a true warrior also.

Thus did Childe, having received his Delusion, swear an oath of fealty to the one and only Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya.

6. Namecard

HOW TO OBTAIN: Reach Friendship Level 10 with Tartaglia

Description: This bears all the marks of that fellow who gallivants as he pleases across the continent with his ever-changing combat styles. Yet, his "Foul Legacy" was not originally his. Rather, it was taught to him by that solitary girl who dwelt in the darkest corners of the universe.

7. Constellation

“Monoceros Caeli” meaning “Celestial Narwhal” in Latin

8. Quests and Events

→ Archon Quests

  1. Chapter I
  2. Act I: Of the Land Amidst Monoliths
  3. Rite of Descension
  4. Dust to Dust
  5. Act II: Farewell, the Archaic Lord
  6. An Organization Known as Wangsheng
  7. Downtown
  8. Guizhong
  9. Act III: A New Star Approaches
  10. Heart of Glaze
  11. The Fond Farewell

→ Story Quests

  1. Monoceros Caeli Chapter (Tartaglia's personal questline)
  2. Act I: Mighty Cyclops' Adventure!
  3. All parts

→ Events

9. Character Interactions

Tartaglia mentions the following characters in his voiceover lines




Tartaglia is mentioned by the following characters in their voiceover lines


10. Trivia

-Tartaglia’s birth name “Ajax” is the same as that of the ancient Greek hero. His little brother, Teucer also shares the name of Ajax’s little brother who aided him in combat.

-Tartaglia, eventually joined by the Raiden Shogun, is one of few characters who is playable after previously being a boss fight

-In Tartaglia’s last hit of his normal attack chain, he throws the arrow by hand, rather than shooting from his bow.

11. Explainer Video

12. FAQs

How does Tartaglia’s Elemental Skill work?

The longer you stay in melee mode, the longer the cooldown is going to be once you finally exit it. The max duration is 30 seconds after which you will be locked out for 45 seconds. Unless this is the very end of an encounter, it is advised you only stay in melee mode for as long as you need to in order to minimize downtime, whether that be to pair up with other character’s bursts or to build energy

What is Tartaglia’s best artifact set?

There are three main choices here. 2PC Gladiator’s Finale and 2PC Heart of Depth (15% Hydro DMG) is the most balanced generalist option. 4PC Heart of Depth (15% Hydro DMG, 30% Normal/Charged DMG after using Elemental Skill) is used in order to maximize the damage of his Elemental Skill. If you’re fully selling out for elemental burst damage, 2PC Heart of Depth and 2PC Noblesse Oblige (20% Burst Damage) is the way to go

What is Tartaglia’s best weapon?

The two weapons that stand head and shoulders above the rest are his personal weapon Polar Star and Thundering Pulse. Both are limited 5 star weapons and difficult to come across. For a much more attainable option, Rust is one of his best 4 Star options attainable from wishes.

13. Final Thoughts

Tartaglia is definitely one of the most challenging characters in the game to use, demanding a level of both mechanical skill and optimal time management. It is those same reasons, however, that make him so enthralling to play once you’ve mastered him. Deftly swapping between forms and unleashing an unrelenting torrent of damage will make you feel like a god of war, just like Tartaglia aspires to be.

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