Camerupt boasts some strong moves and can resist a couple of attacks in Pokemon GO, making it a somewhat tricky Pokemon to randomly match up against.
Here are a few tips that could help players deal with Camerupt in the game.
The best counters for Camerupt in Pokemon GO

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Camerupt has its fair share of downsides that an experienced player can take advantage of.
For starters, Camerupt has pretty terrible defensive stats. A hard-hitting move won't necessarily be needed to shred this volcanic camel, so it would be best to prioritize a low energy-cost move that hits fast.
While Camerupt is only weak to two separate types, one of these weaknesses is a 4x weakness. In addition, it's a weakness to Water, which is a fairly common type. Using a Pokemon that is Proficient with Water-type moves (or, conversely, Ground-type Moves) will put the player ahead.
On that same line of thought, any Pokemon that primarily uses Fire, Bug, Fairy, Poison, or Steel-type moves should not be considered. Electric-type moves should also be out of consideration.
Camerupt uses a Fire-type Quick Move and typically uses either a Fire or a Ground-type Charge Move. Any Pokemon weak to these types should steer clear. This means that Rock, Grass, Electric, and Bug-types are in danger, and Steel-types are in mortal peril.
The biggest word of warning, though, is that Camerupt could potentially learn Solar Beam. If given a chance to get do this, it could prove devastating to any player who is using a mono-Water-type to overwhelm Camerupt.
The ideal Pokemon to face off against Camerupt would be a Water-type Pokemon with a resistance or neutrality to Ground and Grass-type moves. Pelipper, Swanna and Gyarados all suit this role well.
Overwhelming Camerupt with sheer power also works as long as damage is dealt fast enough. Pokemon like Kingler and Kyogre have a very high chance of simply decimating Camerupt before it even gets the chance to use Solar Beam in the first place.
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