Following the Kanto Tour event in Pokemon GO, the Kanto Cup was added to Pokemon GO League Battles as the season finally tapers off. It gives players a chance for a break from the usual battles that are available.
The rules for the Kanto Cup are similar to ones that have been used for event cups in the past. Pokemon that are in the cup cannot exceed the CP limit of 1,500 in order to be eligible. Like the namesake of the cup, players can also only use Pokemon that were originally found in the Kanto region.
When the Pokemon were caught doesn't matter in this case, so players should use any of the best that they've had. Alolan forms of Kanto Pokemon are also allowed in the cup, so that changes the dynamic of the top Pokemon to use.
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The best picks in the Pokemon GO Kanto Cup
#5 - Snorlax

Snorlax is a powerhouse in the Kanto Cup for multiple reasons. First, the HP pool is massive and Snorlax can take more than a few hits. Because of the Normal-typing, Snorlax also has some great resistances in general.
When equipped with Lick as a Fast Attack and Body Slam as the Charged Attack, Snorlax puts out a good deal of damage. It also charges up Body Slam fast, which means plenty of shields will burn.
#4 - Lickitung

Another fantastic Normal-type pick, Lickitung is one of the absolute best picks to have on a Kanto Cup team. In general, it's on par with Snorlax but with a couple more options. But they both use the same moves to be effective on top of their high amount of defense and HP.
Lickitung should also use Lick as a Fast Attack and Body Slam as a Charged Attack. Power Whip is another Charged Attack that can be used with or instead of Body Slam to have even more versatility.
#3 - Hypno

This pick won't always succeed in Kanto Cup battles, but most of the time it will, and that's because of the Psychic-typing and a high defense.
Hypno doesn't seem bulky like the two previous picks, but it can take a hit and it deals a ton of damage with a fairly quick Charge Attack. Confusion should be the Fast Attack and Shadow Ball should be the base Charged Attack. But Psyshock and Thunder Punch can also be used.
#2 - Alolan Marowak

Alolan Marowak, the firespinner version of the Generation I Marowak, is a pure counter pick in the Kanto Cup. Against some picks it will get punished, but that's the beauty of having three options on a team.
This Marowak is capable of countering any Poison-type Pokemon, grass types like Veunsaur that are strong, and picks such as Lapras. It can also take out Hypno with the Shadow Bone move. Alolan Marowak should have Fire Spin as the Fast Attack, and Shadow Bone as the Charged Attack. Bone Club can be equipped as a secondary to easily burn shields with a fake out.
#1 - Lapras

Another pick on the list due to counter potential, Lapras is a great addition to have for the Great League in general, as well as the Kanto Cup in Pokemon GO.
Lapras has the potential to counter Pokemon such as Snorlax, Wigglytuff, and Lickitung, which makes it an invaluable pick in the Kanto Cup. Players should use Ice Shard or Water Gun for the Fast Attack and Surf as the Charged Attack.
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