Fans of the main series Pokemon game, Pokemon Yellow, may find themselves holding back the urge to re-explore Kanto on Gameboy Color.
Pokemon Yellow, released in 1999, is a nostalgia overload for old head fans of the Pokemon series. This game is iconic as the only Pokemon game that doesn't allow the player to pick a starter at the beginning of their journey. All Pokemon, except Mew, are obtainable in this game though. Here is the best team for Pokemon Yellow.
Note: This list is subjective and reflects only the opinion of the writer.
The best team for Pokemon Yellow

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Unfortunately for the best team in Yellow leaving Pikachu at home is advised. Pikachu can't evolve and is just left behind after the early game, however, trading it out for the fast Electric-Type Jolteon is well worth it.
Jolteon is one of the fastest Pokemon in the game, and definitely the best Electric Pokemon in the game. In the early games of Red/Blue/Yellow critical hit ratio is based off of speed, so Jolteon will hit critical hits pretty frequently.

Alakazam is likely the best non-Legenday Pokemon in the game. Alakazam hits incredibly hard and has an insane speed stat. A Psychic form this spoon wielding magician can run through most Pokemon like water.
Even without a friend to fully evolve Abra, Kadabra is quite capable. If Alakazam can't be obtained, Kadabra hits extremely hard, just has a bit less bulk and speed.

The mono Ground-Type Pokemon, Dugtrio, makes for an amazing team member throughout the game of Yellow. Dugtrio's Ground typing allows it to sweep through all of the Team Rocket fights as well as crush Lt. Surge, which can be a rather difficult fight.
After a Double Team to increase its speed, Dugtrio can sweep through most of the game. Not to mention you can get it at a very high level quite early in the game.

Even though it can't be obtained as a starter Pokemon, it can still be obtained as a gift in Cerulean City. Although the player will have to travel with Pikachu to make sure it's happy enough to get the gift Bulbasaur. Venusaur is a monster in this generation with Toxic and Leech Seed.
After a Growth, this thing can live forever and do residual damage and healing from Toxic and Leech Seed. Venusaur's Grass/Poison typing is quite useful in this game as well.

Lapras makes for an amazing Water-Type Pokemon while also being capable of crushing Lance, one of the most difficult battles.
Lapras is obtainable in Silph Co. at level 25, so try not to miss this gift Pokemon. Lapras also gets great coverage with moves like Thunderbolt, and Psychic.

The Flying-Type Dodrio is quite capable of destroying Pokemon with moves like Drill Peck and Tri Attack. Dodrio makes for an amazing Flying-Type Pokemon, which also can help move around the map with the aid of HM03 Fly.
Dodrio has exceptional physical attack and speed that makes it the best Flying Pokemon to use throughout the game.
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