It is no secret that video games tend to bring out the worst in people. Be it a casual game with your friends, or a huge event such as the Fortnite World Cup, most gamers play because they want to win. A lot of times that is not possible, despite hours of practice and giving the game your best shot.
By nature, some video games tend to frustrate people more. The reasons can be many, ranging from the inherent difficulty of the game to a simple issue such as laggy servers. Various online multiplayer titles sometimes do not behave as gamers expect, leading to a high amount of frustration.
Conversely, winning a match in such a scenario generally makes people want to 'stick it' to their opponents, and rub salt into their wounds.

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Regardless of the reason(s), certain games tend to have more toxic communities than others. In this article, we look at some of the most poisonous ones of all time, in no particular order.
Top five most toxic video game communities
Minecraft can be said to be the ultimate building title. While gamers from worldwide have come together to create magnificent structures, there is a toxic side to the game as well.

Gamers tend to destroy intricate structures created by others at will. While most recognize the high level of toxicity, others do not care about the time and effort it takes to come up with such constructions.
This behaviour of players even led to the popularisation of the term 'griefing', which refers to the act of irritating and angering other gamers, notably concerning online games.
The Halo series
Another community which is generally full of laggers, cheaters and 'friendly fire' enthusiasts is from the Halo series. In its earlier years, it was seen as the pinnacle of the 'online gaming experience'. However, things have changed, as newer fans tend to clash with the veterans.

While old fans want the classic 'Halo' gameplay returned, the new ones want updates and more modern features. The game is full of people who want to destroy other's experiences, and fights between teammates are a common phenomenon.
Fortnite is newer than the other titles mentioned above. However, it is one of the most toxic games around. Fortnite players will remember the controversy about 'Friendly fire', which effectively made it impossible to trust random teammates that you met. Of course, the feature was then removed.

Regardless, the game is full of hacks and cheats, and developers have so far failed to create an efficient system that can combat this menace. Furthermore, various server issues and an "Us against them" attitude that the Fortnite community tends to feel concerning other games has also contributed to the problem.
The reason is that Fortnite players are not seen as 'serious gamers' by various factions of the video game community. The idea that most of the players are teenagers and children has also added to this toxicity.
Call of Duty series
Although things have been better recently, the Call of Duty series is notorious for having one of the most toxic communities around. Be it the extent of lagging and cheating, or the general feeling that most people who play the games do not actually like them, the COD community is toxic, to say the least.

For years, gamers complained about the lack of updates and new features. However, the community itself seems problematic. People tend to be argumentative and loud, love to accuse skilled players of hacking, and each game is full of abusive teenagers who want to ruin the experience for others.
League of Legends
The League of Legends community is widely considered to be the most toxic game community of all time. Older, highly skilled players tend to bully and abuse newer ones regardless of whether they are in the same team. Furthermore, players are often found sabotaging their teammates and not supporting them during crucial moments.

Moreover, LOL matches often require more than an hour, which means that gamers typically spend more time playing a match than in most other titles. Due to the strategy-based elements of this game, people tend to get even more frustrated when they lose, especially if they think it is because of a teammate!
You can look at the video below for further information on some of the most toxic gaming communities of all time.