The number of memes made about something is probably a solid indicator of just how popular it is. By that metric, Among Us is experiencing a massive wave of popularity right now.
Among Us is a very simple social deduction game and includes a good amount of humor as well depending upon who's playing the game. There are a lot of silly moments that occur in the game and the community has responded by making memes.
Amazing Among Us memes
#1 Speed Typing

This occurs very frequently in Among Us, mostly in random lobbies. Given the fact that the game has mobile players as well, it really does get difficult to type sometimes. It can also be really odd when people just drop a random "where" out of the blue.
#2 "Blue is sus"

There have been situations where a player has followed another player throughout the tasks and then ends up calling them "sus" during emergency meetings. Their thought process feels really questionable at times.
#3 "I don't want to play anymore"

Random lobbies can get really annoying at times. So many people keeping asking the host to start even when there aren't enough players. Then once the lobby starts and the match is underway, these players disappear.
#4 "You can't see me"

It's important to finish tasks even after dying. That way the chances of the crewmates winning increases. However, it's more fun to haunt the murderer. Who cares about tasks anyway. Tasks are important, but haunting the impostor is important-er!
#5 "I'm afraid of the dark"

The darkness is where the impostor lurks. It's easier to get picked off in the dark, especially when players are alone. There are a lot of brave souls who do end up surviving alone in Among Us, but most of the players out there prefer to stick together.
Among Us has come a long way as a game, especially during the pandemic. It shows no signs of slowing down.