The Galar region is filled with new and returning Pokemon and even new forms of older Pokemon.
A bunch of Pokemon obtained a Galarian form in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Even some Legendary Pokemon obtained this new form, like the birds in the Crown Tundra. Here are the best Galarian Pokemon.
Note: This list is subjective and reflects only the opinion of the writer.
Top 5 Galarian Pokemon of all time
#5 - Rapidash

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The Galarian forms of both Ponyta and Rapidash are majestic Unicorns. Many fans on the internet are quite fond of these new forms. The only gripe fans have is that the evolved form should have kept the anime style eyes of the previous form, but these eyes are more similar to its Kantonian form.
Unfortunately these Pokemon aren't too strong, but they can definitely take the player through the main story of the game.
#4 - Slowbro

This new form of Slowbro gives it an all new typing of Psychic Poison which is entirely unique to itself and its alternate form Galarian Slowking. Slowbro also gains a new ability that makes use of its gun-like arm.
Its ability and signature attack make its sidearm part of it like an expansion to its body. Its signature attack is very unique, allowing it to use either special attack or physical attack depending on what would do more damage.
#3 - Darmanitan

The new form of Darmanitan gives it the Ice typing, and an alternate form via the ability, Zen Mode. Its Zen Mode form changes its appearance which also changes its typing and stats.
Its other typing, Gorilla Tactics, is more useful however, giving the user additional 50% physical attack power but locking it to the first move it uses. Essentially, it gives it a natural Choice Band boost.
#2 - Zapdos

A member of the Legendary birds from Kanto, Zapdos, got a new form that changes its typing, ability, and of course, move pool. It dons the Fighting-Type over its original Electric typing.
This Fighting/Flying Pokemon has a powerful new signature move called Thunderous Kick which lowers the targets defense stat by one, while also doing a good chunk of damage.
#1 - Moltres

Moltres received a well-needed upgrade, as it was the weakest of the Legendary birds earlier. With its new form, it takes the spot of best Galarian Legendary bird, followed by Zapdos.
This new form dons the Flying/Dark typing with new stats as well. It has great natural bulk and a huge special attack stat. Its ability, Berserk, is extremely useful, giving it a special attack boost whenever it is brought under 50% HP. This Pokemon took the competitive scene by storm, and it was one of the best Pokemon in the game for a hot minute.
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