One of Minecraft's most renowned challenges, survival islands, comes with a bit of difficulty.
Stranded and alone, players must use all of their skills in order to survive the barren oceans. Of course, each survival island needs at least one tree in order for it to be considered for this listing, as without a tree, there's no way to thrive unless players can reach the nether and chop the trees found there. However, most players have played through just about every rendition of survival islands through the past, so these seeds will also focus on wacky things to go along with them.
Top 5 best and most wacky Minecraft survival island seeds

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#5- 2883348657781761856
This seed spawns players on a small island with just a few trees, a shipwreck containing some enchanted leather armor, and a treasure map. While just a short boat ride away towards (74, ~, 426), this treasure map will lead players to 16 gold ingots, two diamonds, and a heart of the sea.

#4- -3831124650286037579
This one's more for players who get lonely all by themselves on islands. Coming with 12 houses, and a farm, these villagers are bound to be any players closest friends. The farm holds onto beetroots, carrots, and potatoes, so survivors will have a bustling food source from the beginning moments. Off of the northern coast of this island, also sits an underwater broken nether portal.

#3- -7864937408902018427
The biggest island featured on this list, with an extremely rare sight. Not only is there a woodland mansion on the island, it's less than 100 blocks from spawn. This island is for players who are confident in their skills, and are capable enough to clear out a fort filled with incredibly strong mobs. For those who can overcome this challenge, nothing but good loot waits ahead.

#2- 5126657442379802994
Rounding up to the number two spot on this list, comes a classic survival island. Players spawn into a chain of three small islands, fit with everything they will need, except for sugar cane. Not to worry however, as some sugar cane can be found relatively close to spawn, located at (-274, 63, 429).
For players who enjoy being surrounded by the void rather than water, check out these Top 5 servers to play skyblock in Minecraft.

#1- -1978929680700893471
This seed is not for the faint of heart, as players spawn three blocks away from an outpost. This island has been taken over by a group of pillagers who wandered too far into sea, and it's now up to players to take it back. Caution is advised, as the pillagers also spawn on the island at the exact same time as the player, so time is just as limited as defenses are.
For more seeds, read: 5 best seeds to build a castle
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