Top 5 Overwatch 2 Team Compositions for Orisa

Overwatch 2 - Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
Overwatch 2 - Orisa (Image via Blizzard)

Players in Overwatch 2 are constantly experimenting with different team compositions, especially those that revolve around one specific tank. One such tank that can dominate the battlefield in Overwatch 2 with a good team composition is Orisa. She offers immense defensive capabilities through her relentless ability to cycle between Fortify and Javelin Spin, which makes her hard to kill.

This combination, combined with Energy Javelin, allows her to be offensive, especially against tanks without barriers. Orisa's versatility sets her apart from other tanks, allowing her to control key areas and push with her team while protecting them from projectiles.

Prioritizing Orisa's potential, here are five compositions where she can show her true potential as an annoying tank that constantly outputs damage while creating space and various opportunities for her team.

Understanding Overwatch 2 Compositions featuring Orisa

1) Balanced Area Control Team

Balanced Area Control Team in Overwatch 2 around Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
Balanced Area Control Team in Overwatch 2 around Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
  • Tank: Orisa
  • Damage: Symmetra + Bastion
  • Support: Moira + Ana

This Overwatch 2 composition forms a powerful team that focuses on defense and area control. Orisa serves as the main tank, providing a sturdy frontline presence and anchoring the team with her Fortify and Javelin Spin. Symmetra complements this composition with her Sentry Turrets, which can be placed strategically to deter and punish flanking enemies, while also providing area denial.

When paired with Orisa who can continually aggro enemies while denying projectiles, Bastion becomes a devastating force, unleashing a torrent of firepower in a stationary position. With careful positioning and coordination, Bastion can mow down enemy teams and break through defensive lines.

The supports offer a combination of healing and utility. Moira's biotic abilities provide consistent healing to sustain the team during engagements, while her Fade ability allows her to quickly reposition or escape dangerous situations.

Ana, on the other hand, brings burst healing, long-range sniper support, and impactful anti-crowd control from her Biotic Grenade. Her Nano Boost ultimate can be used to empower Orisa, or either of the damage dealers, turning them into unstoppable forces.

2) Balanced Anti-gank Team

Balanced Anti-gank Team in Overwatch 2 around Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
Balanced Anti-gank Team in Overwatch 2 around Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
  • Tank: Orisa
  • Damage: Sojourn + Reaper
  • Support: Kiriko + Moira

This Overwatch 2 team composition forms a dynamic team with a focus on aggressive playstyle and close-quarters combat. It is good to note that all the heroes in this team have some level of self-survivability to be ganked. Sojourn and Reaper are able to easily outplay most ganks, while Kiriko and Moira both have escape abilities that would make them hard to kill, even as squishy supports.

Sojourn, a versatile damage dealer, brings mobility and long-range firepower, capable of pressuring enemies from a distance. Reaper excels at close-quarters combat, dealing devastating damage while healing from damage dealt to enemies, making him a formidable threat in close-range engagements.

3) Balanced Barrage Team

Balanced Barrage Team in Overwatch 2 around Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
Balanced Barrage Team in Overwatch 2 around Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
  • Tank: Orisa
  • Damage: Pharah + Junkrat
  • Support: Mercy + Baptiste

This Overwatch 2 team focuses on explosive damage, area denial, and sustained support. Orisa serves as the anchor tank, providing a strong frontline presence and protecting the team from incoming fire.

Pharah and Junkrat bring high burst damage with their explosive abilities, capable of controlling areas and disorienting the enemy team. Their ability to rain down projectiles from different angles puts constant pressure on opponents and can break through fortified defenses.

Mercy takes on the role of primary support, mainly providing healing and damage boosts to the damage dealers to maximize the effectiveness of their explosive output. She can also utilize her Resurrect ability to revive fallen teammates and maintain a numbers advantage.

Baptiste complements the team's sustainment with his Biotic Launcher's healing grenades and Immortality Field. This can prevent crucial team members, specifically Orisa, from dying during intense team fights. Additionally, Baptiste's Amplification Matrix amplifies the damage of Pharah and Junkrat's projectiles, further enhancing their destructive potential.

4) Offensive Play for Picks Team

Picks Team in Overwatch 2 around Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
Picks Team in Overwatch 2 around Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
  • Tank: Orisa
  • Damage: Widowmaker + Hanzo
  • Support: Kiriko + Lifeweaver

The composition of Orisa, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Kiriko, and Lifeweaver in Overwatch 2 forms a versatile and deadly team with a focus on long-range firepower and utility.

Orisa serves as the anchor tank, providing a durable frontline presence and defensive capabilities with her abilities. Widowmaker and Hanzo, both renowned snipers, bring exceptional long-range damage and the ability to pick off key targets. Their precision and high burst damage makes them a threat to enemies from a distance.

Additionally, Lifeweaver, a support hero, offers healing and utility. Lifeweaver's healing abilities can keep the team sustained during engagements, while also being able to help the snipers reposition using his Petal Platform, making their locations even more unpredictable.

The two damage dealers can eliminate high-priority enemies or provide suppressing fire, while Kiriko's agility allows for emergency healing in tight situations. Lifeweaver can also use Life Grip to pull allies towards him in case Kiriko is in no position to help the team.

5) Defensive Stall Team

Defensive Stall Team in Overwatch 2 around Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
Defensive Stall Team in Overwatch 2 around Orisa (Image via Blizzard)
  • Tank: Orisa
  • Damage: Soldier 76 + Mei
  • Support: Brigitte + Ana

Soldier: 76 serves as a versatile damage dealer in Overwatch 2, capable of dealing sustained damage and providing consistent damage from mid-range. Mei brings crowd control and area denial to the team, using her freezing abilities to immobilize and isolate enemies, while also providing valuable wall barriers for defense or offense. Brigitte acts as a hybrid support and tank, offering close-range combat prowess and providing healing, armor, and crowd control with her flail and abilities.

Ana, the primary support hero, brings burst healing, long-range sniping, and impactful utility with her Sleep Dart and Biotic Grenade. Her Nano Boost can be used to boost either Soldier: 76 while on his Tactical Visor to provide even more lethality, or Orisa during her Terra Surge to easily one-shot even the tankiest heroes.

Orisa's unique playstyle as a tank hero revolves around providing strong defensive capabilities, sustained damage, and enabling her team to control the battlefield in Overwatch 2 team compositions.

When composing a team with Orisa in Overwatch 2, it is important to coordinate with teammates who can capitalize on the momentum that she can create with proper cycling of her abilities. With proper support and positioning, Orisa's presence can create opportunities for her team to secure objectives and dominate engagements.

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Edited by Jito Tenson
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