Shiny Pokemon are some of the most sought-after creatures in Pokemon GO, with plenty more yet to be released.
There are a ton of Shiny variants available. Niantic puts them into Pokemon GO and treats them as content. That gives trainers something to look forward to in terms of adding to their collection.
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Pokemon GO does not have every single Pokemon in it yet. That also means it does not have every Shiny variant. Some of the current Pokemon in the game are missing their Shiny versions and it would be great to see them added.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.
Top 5 Pokemon who need a Shiny version in Pokemon GO
#5 - Noctowl
The majority of Generation I and Generation II Pokemon have received their Shiny verision in Pokemon GO. Noctowl has been left out of that for whatever reason. Its Shiny version is actually really cool. It turns its body into a gold color and its wings are a brighter reddish brown. Shiny Noctowl is a lot simpler than some other Shiny variants, but it is beautiful.
#4 - Heracross
Heracross is a regional exclusive in Pokemon GO. In the wild, it can only be found in South Florida, Texas, Latin America, and South America. It is another Generation II Pokemon without a Shiny version in the mobile game. Heracross has a bright pink Shiny variant, which would be awesome to see released at a time it becomes available worldwide.
#3 - Jirachi
Jirachi, the Wish Pokemon, is available in Pokemon GO. Its Shiny variant is not, however. Normally, it has a white body with a gold star on its head accented by teal ribbons. The Shiny version sees the teal turn to red and its body become a bit pink. It is extremely cute and would be a must-have for a lot of trainers.
#2 - Obstagoon
Obstagoon is one of the handful of Galarian Pokemon introduced to Pokemon GO so far. It evolves from the Galarian versions of Zigzagoon and Linoone. Normally, Obstagoon resembles a member of the band Kiss. In its Shiny form, the black and white change to white, maroon, and light blue. It is one of the best Shiny variants added to Pokemon in recent years.
#1 - Haxorus
Shiny Haxorus is one of the best Shiny variants and most intimidating Pokemon of all time. It is amazing how a terrifying Dragon-type got even scarier with a bit of a color change. Pokemon GO would benefit greatly from having Shiny Haxorus available. The pure black Dragon would be at the top of the list for trainers to hunt down.
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