Top 5 Overwatch 2 team compositions for Sojourn

Overwatch 2 team compositions for Sojourn (Image via Sportskeeda)
Overwatch 2 team compositions for Sojourn (Image via Sportskeeda)

Sojourn, a technologically advanced damage hero in Overwatch 2, brings a unique and powerful skill set to the battlefield. Possessing a lethal rail gun and high mobility, she excels as a versatile damage dealer capable of delivering devastating blows to the enemy team with a single charged-up shot. Sojourn needs capable teammates to really thrive on the battlefield.

In this article, we'll explore the top five team compositions that maximize Sojourn's potential and create an environment where she can shine. Sojourn's playstyle demands a team that can capitalize on her damage output, support her flanking capabilities, and enable her to dominate in various situations.

Each team composition showcased here is thoughtfully designed to complement the hero's strengths.

Best Overwatch 2 team compositions for Sojourn

5) Orisa + Sojourn + Ashe + Baptiste + Zenyatta

  • Tank: Orisa
  • Damage: Sojourn, Ashe
  • Support: Baptiste, Zenyatta

This team composition leverages the long-range power of Sojourn and Ashe to create a formidable damage duo. Orisa's protective barrier offers cover for Sojourn and Ashe, allowing them to deal damage from a safe cover in Overwatch 2.

Baptiste's Immortality Field ensures the team's survival during intense engagements, while Zenyatta's Discord Orb amplifies their damage output, making them even more threatening. This is an excellent composition for those who prefer picking enemies off from a distance.

4) Reinhardt + Sojourn + Tracer + Ana + Lucio

  • Tank: Reinhardt
  • Damage: Sojourn, Tracer
  • Support: Ana, Lucio

This composition focuses on fast-paced engagements and flanking maneuvers. Sojourn's high burst damage pairs well with Tracer's mobility and ability to harass the enemy backline. The latter must jump in and out of cover to be effective while flanking.

Reinhardt's barrier provides protection during pushes, while Ana's precise healing and Nano Boost bolster the team's effectiveness. Meanwhile, Lucio's Speed Boost enhances their mobility, allowing for swift engagements and disengagements.

3) Sigma + Sojourn + Hanzo + Mercy + Moira

  • Tank: Sigma
  • Damage: Sojourn, Hanzo
  • Support: Mercy, Moira

This team composition excels in controlling choke points and dealing consistent damage. Sojourn's versatility combines with Hanzo's precision to apply pressure from various angles.

Sigma's barrier provides protection, while Mercy's damage boost amplifies Sojourn and Hanzo's impact. Moira's healing ensures the team's sustainability during extended engagements. Meanwhile, Hanzo can stay back or corner a single enemy with Sojourn in 2v1 engagements.

2) Wrecking Ball + Sojourn + Doomfist + Brigitte + Baptiste

  • Tank: Wrecking Ball
  • Damage: Sojourn, Doomfist
  • Support: Brigitte, Baptiste

This composition focuses on creating chaos and capitalizing on opportunities. Wrecking Ball's disruption creates openings for Sojourn and Doomfist to exploit.

Brigitte's support offers survivability through her armor packs and crowd control, while Baptiste's healing and area denial abilities keep the team sustained during skirmishes. Notably, Sojourn has the ability to solo carry with this team composition in Overwatch 2.

1) Roadhog + Sojourn + Echo + Ana + Zenyatta

  • Tank: Roadhog
  • Damage: Sojourn, Echo
  • Support: Ana, Zenyatta

This composition centers around burst damage and exploiting enemy weaknesses. Sojourn's explosive firepower combines with Echo's versatile abilities to quickly eliminate key targets in Overwatch 2.

Roadhog's presence and self-sustain draw attention away from Sojourn and Echo, allowing them to focus on inflicting damage. Meanwhile, Ana's precise healing and crowd-control capabilities, along with Zenyatta's Discord Orb, provide strong support, enhancing their ability to secure key picks.

In Overwatch 2, Sojourn's prowess on the battlefield is truly unleashed when paired with the right team compositions. These five team setups are just the beginning, as creative players and strategists can tailor combinations to suit their playstyle.

As players adapt their team compositions to counter specific enemy lineups and accommodate different maps, effective communication, and teamwork become even more vital for success. By combining their abilities with Sojourn's devastating firepower, these compositions create a powerful and versatile force on the battlefield, leading to glorious triumphs in Overwatch 2.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul
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