Top 5 Overwatch 2 team compositions for Tracer

Overwatch 2 team compositions for Tracer (Image via Sportskeeda)
Overwatch 2 team compositions for Tracer (Image via Sportskeeda)

Tracer, the agile and elusive time-bending hero in Overwatch 2, is celebrated for her ability to unleash chaos in the enemy backline. With unmatched mobility and devastating burst damage, she's a formidable force on the battlefield. In this article, we'll delve into the top five team compositions that can truly unleash Tracer's potential, allowing her to thrive in her element.

Tracer's unique playstyle demands a team that can provide unwavering support, create opportunities, and capitalize on her disruptive abilities. Each team composition we explore here is carefully crafted to complement Tracer's hit-and-run tactics, ensuring she can constantly keep the enemy team on their toes.

By synergizing her incredible mobility and damage output with the right combination of tanks, damage dealers, and support heroes, these compositions unlock Tracer's full potential, laying the groundwork for resounding victories in Overwatch 2.

Best Overwatch 2 Team Compositions for Tracer

1) Winston + Tracer + Genji + Zenyatta + Lucio

  • Tank: Winston
  • Damage: Tracer, Genji
  • Support: Zenyatta, Lucio

This composition revolves around dive tactics, utilizing Winston and Tracer's mobility to engage the enemy backline. Tracer and Genji work together to disrupt the enemy team, while Zenyatta's Discord Orb and Lucio's Speed Boost amplify the damage output. With coordinated dives and target focus, this composition can quickly dismantle enemy defenses.

2) Reinhardt + Tracer + Pharah + Ana + Baptiste

  • Tank: Reinhardt
  • Damage: Tracer, Pharah
  • Support: Ana, Baptiste

This composition combines Tracer's flanking abilities with the sustained damage of Pharah. Reinhardt's barrier provides cover for Tracer and Pharah, allowing them to safely engage the enemy team. Ana's long-range healing and Nano Boost greatly enhance Tracer's effectiveness, while Baptiste's Immortality Field ensures survival during intense fights.

3) Zarya + Tracer + Ashe + Mercy + Moira

  • Tank: Zarya
  • Damage: Tracer, Ashe
  • Support: Mercy, Moira

This composition focuses on building up Zarya's energy and enabling Tracer and Ashe to secure eliminations. Zarya's barriers protect Tracer during engagements, and her Graviton Surge sets up devastating combos with Ashe's Dynamite. Mercy's damage boost enhances Tracer and Ashe's impact, while Moira's healing provides sustained support.

4) Orisa + Tracer + Hanzo + Brigitte + Zenyatta

  • Tank: Orisa
  • Damage: Tracer, Hanzo
  • Support: Brigitte, Zenyatta

This composition combines Tracer's hit-and-run tactics with Hanzo's burst damage from afar. Orisa's barrier provides cover and stability, allowing Tracer and Hanzo to apply consistent pressure. Brigitte's support offers additional survivability, and Zenyatta's Discord Orb amplifies the team's damage output, making it difficult for the enemy team to sustain against their coordinated assaults.

5) Roadhog + Tracer + Junkrat + Ana + Lucio

  • Tank: Roadhog
  • Damage: Tracer, Junkrat
  • Support: Ana, Lucio

This composition centers around creating chaos and picking off isolated targets. Roadhog's presence and self-sustain draw attention away from Tracer, allowing her to flank and harass the enemy backline. Junkrat's area denial and spam damage keep the enemy team on their toes. Ana's healing and crowd-control capabilities, combined with Lucio's Speed Boost, enable quick engagements and disengagements.

Effective communication, coordination, and teamwork are essential in executing these team compositions successfully. Remember to coordinate with your team, choose key targets, and unleash Tracer's unrivaled agility and burst damage to dominate the battlefield in Overwatch 2.

Whether through dive tactics, sustained pressure, or disruptive chaos, Tracer can excel when supported by the right team composition. These top five compositions showcase the various strategies and hero synergies that can maximize Tracer's impact in Overwatch 2.

Secure crucial kills, disrupt the enemy's plans, and become a formidable force on the battlefield with Tracer's unparalleled speed and damage in Overwatch 2.

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Edited by Ritoban "Veloxi" Paul
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