Top 5 Overwatch 2 team compositions for Zarya

Top 5 Overwatch 2 team compositions for Zarya
Top 5 Overwatch 2 team compositions for Zarya

Zarya, the former Russian Soldier, is one of the strongest Tanks to go up against in Overwatch 2. She can melt adversaries within seconds and control the battlefield by being on the frontline. Her unique abilities can be coupled with various DPS and Support heroes to create a massacre on the battlefield. Being in a 5v5 single Tank meta, combining Zarya with the right heroes is a very difficult process, but it’s crucial if you want to grind your way up to the top.

Let’s not waste any time and delve right into the best compositions for Zarya.

Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

Ranking the best Zarya team compositions in Overwatch 2

5) Zarya + Junkrat + Tracer + Lifeweaver + Baptiste

Team comp with Zarya, Junkrat, Tracer, Baptiste, and Lifeweaver (Image via Blizzard Entertainment & Sportskeeda)
Team comp with Zarya, Junkrat, Tracer, Baptiste, and Lifeweaver (Image via Blizzard Entertainment & Sportskeeda)

Tank: Zarya

DPS: Junkrat + Tracer

Support: Lifeweaver + Baptiste

This lineup is the most unconventional one in Overwatch 2. This can be used in any map mode and is effective in various situations. Zarya can stay on the frontline to deal damage and is effective in dogfights alongside Junkrat.

Enemies can’t keep up with the unpredicted movement of Junkrat, so he would be a great pick. He can help his teammates from incoming flankers alongside Zarya. Tracer’s irregular movements might annoy enemies, and if necessary, she will be equipped with Zarya's barrier as she has only 150HP. Zarya's ultimate is one of the deadliest ultimates in the game. It gathers her nearby adversaries within a small area and can be combined with Junkrat's RIP-Tyre or Tracer's ultimate to ensure a team kill.

Lifeweaver, the newest addition to the Support heroes in Overwatch 2, can be a good pick for this composition. He can pull an ally to a safe position if things go out of hand. Moreover, Baptiste can provide his Immortality Field to save Zarya from dying.

4) Zarya + Mei + Bastion + Mercy + Lucio


Tank: Zarya

DPS: Mei + Bastion

Support: Mercy + Lucio

The squad mainly focuses on creating a nuisance on the battlefield in Overwatch 2. It consists of one Tank-shredding and one annoying DPS. However, this lineup’s main drawback is Bastion’s lack of mobility.

Mei and Bastion are a formidable duo in Overwatch 2. Mei can work well in close and mid-range combats, while Bastion can cover the long-range part alongside Zarya. In case of any pandemonium in the team, Zarya can help by providing shields, making her teammates invulnerable for a few seconds. Mei’s kit excels mostly at a close range, allowing her to easily collaborate with Zarya to destroy the enemies holding the choke points or tight angles. And Bastion can give a tonne of damage from a long distance. Bastion’s ultimate can also combine with Zarya’s Ultimate to deal devastating damage.

Furthermore, Lucio can provide a speed boost to compensate for the lack of mobility in Bastion. He can also provide Sound Barrier to keep Zarya alive. Mercy can offer a damage boost to Bastion from a distance, allowing him to be used to the utmost extent in his turret form.

3) Zarya + Torbjorn + Genji + Mercy + Kiriko

Team comp with Zarya, Torbjorn, Genji, Mercy, and Kiriko (Image via Blizzard Entertainment & Sportskeeda)
Team comp with Zarya, Torbjorn, Genji, Mercy, and Kiriko (Image via Blizzard Entertainment & Sportskeeda)

Tank: Zarya

DPS: Torbjorn + Genji

Support: Mercy + Kiriko

This composition is ideal for defending a particular area. Zarya can provide barriers to her teammates, helping them to escape tight situations. Meanwhile, Torbjorn’s turret and Genji can poke enemies from time to time.

Torbjorn’s turret is one of the most annoying things you can come across in an Overwatch 2 game. His pick rate may vary in the higher lobbies following his recent nerf in the Season 5 mid-season patch. But in the low-lobby games, he remains a dominant DPS. Genji, on the other hand, can use his Shurikens to finish off the low-health pool enemies. His ultimate form can slash off adversaries in a blink of an eye. Combining it with Zarya’s Ultimate, which can gather nearby enemies, Genji can create mayhem in the arena.

Kiriko and Mercy are the perfect fit for this composition. Kiriko serves as the main healer in this squad. She can only focus on Zarya to provide her a fair share of heal. Mercy can give a damage boost to Genji and Torbjorn to increase the overall damage output from the team.

2) Zarya + Ashe + Pharah + Mercy + Brigitte

Team comp with Zarya, Ashe, Pharah, Mercy, and Brigitte (Image via Blizzard Entertainment & Sportskeeda)
Team comp with Zarya, Ashe, Pharah, Mercy, and Brigitte (Image via Blizzard Entertainment & Sportskeeda)

Tank: Zarya

DPS: Ashe + Pharah

Support: Mercy + Brigitte

The following Overwatch 2 composition maintains harmony between Ashe’s lethal weapon and Pharah’s airborne capability. This lineup heavily depends on the combined damage output from Zarya, Ashe, and Pharah.

Ashe and Pharah are among the most prevalent and dangerous DPS pairings of Overwatch 2. While Ashe can shred enemy Tanks and Supports in the nick of time, Pharah can use rockets to keep annoying the grounded heroes from a safe distance. When paired with B.O.B’s colossal damage, Zarya's ultimate is quite a scene. Players can also combine it with Pharah’s Rocket Barrage to create a nightmare for the enemy team.

Mercy’s damage boost will increase the effect of Ashe’s gun, and she can also stay airborne to help Pharah with her kit. Brigitte, on the other hand, can battle at close range. She also has a passive that can heal Zarya without any obstacles.

1) Zarya + Cassidy + Genji + Kiriko + Ana

Team comp with Zarya, Cassidy, Genji, Kiriko, and Ana (Image via Blizzard Entertainment & Sportskeeda)
Team comp with Zarya, Cassidy, Genji, Kiriko, and Ana (Image via Blizzard Entertainment & Sportskeeda)

Tank: Zarya

DPS: Cassidy + Genji

Support: Kiriko + Ana

This is the most complimentary squad for Zarya, as it has Cassidy’s long-range precision alongside Genji’s slashing blade and Zarya’s barrier, helping them finish their adversaries smoothly. Furthermore, Zarya can absorb damage because of her massive health pool. After absorbing the damage, she can melt enemies within a blink of an eye.

Cassidy and Genji are really popular among Overwatch 2 players. This deadly DPS duo can wreak havoc within the battlefield with the colossal damage they can deal to their enemies. Zarya can assist Genji by providing her barrier, allowing him to dive directly into the enemy backline. During the use of the Dead Eye, Zarya can do the same to Cassidy so that he can be safe from any upcoming commotions. Zarya can render adversaries immobile and stack them into a small vicinity. Combining it with Genji’s ultimate and Ana’s nano-boost makes it a massacre.

Ana and Kiriko are the perfect Support duo for this combination. Kiriko can keep up with the erratic movement of Genji and Cassidy and protect them with her Suzu. Ana can focus only on Zarya by following the ‘Protect the President’ playstyle.

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Edited by Adarsh J Kumar
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