Krafton has released the early access version of Battlegrounds Mobile India, and players have already flocked to the game as it has reportedly crossed five million downloads. The developers have laid down stringent anti-cheat policies and released a rule of conduct to deal with the menace of cheating.
Many users are tempted to use illicit applications like hacks and mods to gain an unfair advantage over their foes in Battlegrounds Mobile India. However, it is quite evident that usage of such applications is prohibited in Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Hacks and mods will lead to a permanent ban in Battlegrounds Mobile India
The rules of conduct page on the official website provide users with a list of violations or misconducts and the penalty for each offense.
The page mentions that using, developing, advertising, trading, or distributing unauthorized programs or hardware devices will lead to a permanent ban. In addition to the use of modified game clients, servers and game data will also lead to a suspension.
Therefore, using third-party software such as cheats, hacks, mods, scripts, and even GFX tools to modify and manipulate the game falls in this category. Once the users are caught, they will be punished appropriately and will lead to account suspension.
The support section states the following:
"If the rule violation occurred after your account has been hacked and thus affecting the game or the other players' rights, the penalty will be applied to your account regardless of who has been using it. We strongly suggest you do not share your account with other players to avoid the risk of being banned.”
This implies that if evidence of cheating is found in the account, it will be banned irrespective of the person operating the account at the time of the offense. Players are recommended not to share their accounts or their details with others. Furthermore, the rules of conduct add that using another user’s account can also lead to a permanent ban.