Valorant Agents have been known for their specific utility on individual maps. Professional players tend to take these ideas and transform them into awe-inspiring plays. For certain Agents to dominate a map, the user would need to have immense map knowledge. Simultaneously, they need to be extremely comfortable with the Agent's kit.

Luckily, Valorant has several versatile Agents that can take charge on any map. If we are to look at the Controller category specifically - it seems like they are designed to take command on almost all the four maps of Valorant. However, there are some which stand apart from the rest in the Agent pool.
Omen is one such Valorant Agent who is versatile enough to hunt on any map. It doesn't matter which map he is on; Omen always manages to find a way. Whether it is lurking from the shadows or teleporting behind the opponent, Ascent is a Valorant map where Omen's dominance is unchallenged.
A basic guide to playing Omen on Ascent is the target here. One has to remember that Ascent is a map which is essentially dependent on Mid control. The team which controls areas like Catwalk, Courtyard, Market usually has the advantage. However, Omen is one Agent who can topple the scales when the opponent starts to gain momentum.
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Playing with Omen as Attackers in Valorant
When players are attacking as Omen, they need to make a list of primary areas to smoke. Usually, this cuts off the enemy from gathering information and helps teammates to sneak through.

Smoke Mid Link and Catwalk - this strategy is often used by Brimstone in Valorant. Teammates gather up around B Lobby to support the entry frag. Mid Bottom is perhaps the most contested area on Ascent. Attackers have multiple options to peek through. At the same time, smoking A Cubby will help attackers to cut off the vision from defenders approaching from A. Gaining Mid control allows players to choose from either of the bomb sites.

Smoke A Caddy and A Rafters - this is a strategy to plant at A. Players need to group up around Mid Top and A Lobby. Omen smoking both Mid Catwalk or Mid Courtyard, as well as A Rafters, is a trick used by most pros. This way, teammates can push in without getting fired from Haven, and at the same time, defenders from Cubby/Catwalk will have to retrace their steps to formulate a better plan.

Smoking B Market and B Main - this is an aggressive strategy for planting at B. For this, players need to move from B Lobby and through the tunnels; similarly, another part of the team can take charge from Mid to B Market. What the two smokes necessarily do is that they cut off vision from Defender Spawn, as well as the B Market Doors, which has an open angle on B Tunnels. Naturally, players tend to execute this quickly, as B Tunnel is extremely dangerous for players. One Brimstone/Sova Ult can finish off all the attackers.
Master Teleporting in Valorant with Omen on Ascent
Teleporting can be a tricky thing to do, mainly because players tend to like the dynamic too much without understanding It's utility. Try to avoid mistakes in Valorant that will help the opponent predict your moves.
Teleporting is best used when used in discretion in Valorant. The flow of the entire game can be turned with this move. Omen mains usually like to get creative in Valorant with the Shrouded Step, but it is a tricky one to master.

Teleporting to high ground - Teleport to the box on Mid Courtyard overseeing Mid Market, the box at Mid Top overseeing Catwalk, or the box overlooking A Lobby, as these areas offer a tactical advantage. These are great for players who like using the Operator and can pull off a quick-scope. Players are used to fighting Agents like Raze, Jett, and Omen from a high-ground advantage. Thus, it is best executed when the opponents are least expecting it.

Teleporting from Smoke To Site - While on the offense, it is best to attack in number. Thus, to confuse the opponent team, Omen's smoke is the best place to teleport into. This attack strategy cannot be predicted as players tend to focus on the smoke more than the peripherals. Coordinating and entering with teammates while teleporting to a better angle at the site can result in a quick site takeover. This forces the opponents to rotate.
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Blinding enemies with Omen in Valorant
While attacking, there are certain angles players need to remember. Omen's Paranoia is exceptionally potent, which means that it should be timed precisely.

Going to B through Tunnels or Mid Courtyard - if your teammates are in B Tunnels trying to enter B, then it's best to blind the opponents from an angle beside the Ult Orb box. The perfect spot can blind players in the Boat House as well as Pizza, overlooking the Tunnels. Similarly, while attacking from Courtyard, it is best to throw Paranoia right before entering Mid Market. This cuts off the vision for opponents in Pizza or approaching from Spawn.

Going to A through A Lobby and Mid Top - Players need to be sure to smoke certain areas before executing these Paranoia attacks from the proper angles. Omen mains tend to cover multiple angles with smokes and Paranoia. If players go through A Main/Long while Rafters is smoked, then throwing Paranoia towards the A Link door or Gardens helps to surprise camping opponents. This forces them to reposition, thereby allowing Omen's team to move into the site. Similarly, while entering from A Cubby, players should aim their Paranoia towards Heaven or Hell.
Defending with Omen on Ascent in Valorant
A Site: While defending A Site, players can get infinitely creative with Omen's kit. The key detail is to remember whether one is holding an angle aggressively, or hiding in a choke point to surprise opponents. Placing the smoke at the entrance of A Long and peeking is the most common option. However, players can change it up by positioning the smoke a little high above the ground. This way, when the opponents walk in through the entrance, their feet will be visible. The better place to peek from, instead of the A Site entrance, would be the Wine/End, which oversees A Long. Players do not usually expect a defender to hold angles at the entry point from Wine.
Similarly, players can also avoid smoking up A entrance while they are up on the Rafters. Defending from the Rafters can be tricky if players are not quick with their reactions in Valorant. Thus, it is best to hide behind the boxes, both in Hell or Heaven/Rafters.
If players are trying to take Mid control aggressively, then the user should consider blinding Mid Courtyard and Mid Top. Players can hold choke points A Cubby, Gardens, Window, or even A Link. Similarly, A entrance and Wine serve as an excellent spot to surprise opponents.
Omen's Ult can change the tide of the game in post-plant situations in Valorant. However, players need to know the proper spots that offer a tactical advantage. On A Site, it is best to Ult in towards the Windows or Rafters boxes. Teleporting with the Ult on the stone boxes near the entrance can also be a surprising move.
B Site - Primary position for B Site defense should include the Smoke inside B Tunnels. In contrast, players can hold angles from Mid Market, Pizza, Boat House, and B Main. These are the predictable, conventional spots.
If Omen is defending from Bottom Mid, Pizza and Market are two angles they need to cover. Smoking B Tunnels and B Link is a good idea. Players should also keep Paranoia ready for any opponent forcing an entry though Mid Courtyard or through Arch.
The Boat Shed becomes a great spot to hide in when opponents are rushing thought the Tunnels. Similarly, Omen can blind them with Paranoia once they have entered the site. This acts as an ambush, which is what Omen is known for in Valorant.
In a post plant scenario, using Omen's Ult on the Barrels near B Main is a great spot to take out enemies on site. Similarly, teleporting in and out of smokes can help surprise the enemy in Valorant. Most professional players tend to use the full array of their kit if they are in a post-plant situations. Controllers are essential when taking over sites in Valorant, and thus, Omen stands alone as one of the deadliest forces on Ascent.
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