Valorant: All 11 official Agent abilities and Character Descriptions

Valorant Reyna in ValorantReyna in ValorantPhoenix in ValorantPhoenix in ValorantJett in ValorantJett in ValorantJett in ValorantViper in Valorant

After a week's wait, Riot Games’ Valorant has officially launched, and fans finally get to have a first look at their beloved agents outside the game's closed beta release.

Officially there were talks of having 12 battle-ready agents during the launch. However, it seems that one was not able to make the cut but would make an appearance in a couple of weeks.

So with an official launch, we felt it best to give all the 11 Agents an official introduction as well; and who better to start with than the latest addition to the Valorant line-up?

Valorant's team of 11 battle-ready agents:

#1: Reyna

Nationality: Mexico.

Agent Description: “Forged in the heart of Mexico, Reyna dominates single combat, popping off with each kill she scores. Her capability is only limited by her raw skill, making her sharply dependent on performance.”


  • Dismiss - After killing an enemy, Reyna can consume their life force and turn invulnerable for a short duration.
  • Devour - Devour allows her to consume the life force of a slain enemy to restore her health completely. Healing which exceeds the maximum health limit will be converted to a temporary armour instead.
  • Leer - Reyna conjures and throws an Ethereal, destructive Orb, which ‘Nearsights’ any enemy who looks at it.
  • Empress - Her ultimate is her key 1v5 clutch tool, which heightens her bloodlust and allows her to have increased firing and reload speed. Her abilities are enhanced as well, and it helps her to also see enemies better. Killing will reset the timer of the ability.

Playstyle: Reyna will reward those who are aggressive with her. A passive approach to a round will only make her kit useless, as she is built to be one of the most skill-heavy ‘high risk, high reward’ Agents in the game.


#2: Phoenix

Nationality: UK.

Agent Description: “Phoenix's star power shines through in his fighting style, igniting the battlefield with flash and flare. Whether he's got backup or not, he's rushing in to fight on his own terms.”


  • Hot Hands - Phoenix creates and throws a fireball which then explodes after a short delay or upon impact with the ground. While enemies that walk over the created fire zone receive damage, Phoenix, on the other hand, heals from it.
  • Blaze - Phoenix erects a barrier of flame which blocks all enemy vision, and like Hot Hands, it damages enemies, while healing him. The wall can be bent by turning when holding the left click.
  • Curveball - Curveball is Phoenix’s flashbang ability. When cast, it bursts into light which temporarily blinds everyone that looks at it. The ball can be curved to the left by left-clicking, and to the right by right-clicking.
  • Run it Back - The ult does justice to the name Phoenix, as it resurrects the Agent at a previously marked spot upon death or after a short period.

Playstyle: Like Reyna, Phoenix too hails from the duelist class and has some amazing 1v1 potential. And as he has a bit more survivability etched into his kit, he fares rather well as an entry fragger.


#3: Jett

Nationality: Korea.

Agent Description: “Jett's agile and evasive fighting style lets her take risks no one else can. She runs circles around every skirmish, cutting enemies up before they even know what hit them.”


  • Cloudburst - Jett throws a cloud which creates a smoke dome that obscures vision on impact. Holding down the ability button allows her to use the mouse and bend the cloud’s in-flight trajectory.
  • Updraft - After a short wind-up, the ability will propel Jet up in the air, and even reach elevated spots.
  • Tailwind - This ability allows her to dash a short distance (in the direction she is moving) immediately after cast.
  • Blade Storm - Jett conjures several knives around her, which does moderate damage on hit, but has a guaranteed kill on headshots. While the left click throws a single dagger, the right click throws the remaining blades all at once, and getting a kill will restore all the daggers. Blade Storm, unlike guns in Valorant, maintains its perfect accuracy when moving and even while jumping.

Playstyle: Jett is by far the most mobile agent in Valorant so far. She is perfect for those players who like to constantly seek flanking advantages, along with boasting an aggressive playstyle, as she too is a duelist.


#4: Viper

Nationality: USA.

Agent Description: “Viper deploys an array of poisonous chemical devices to control the battlefield and cripple the enemy's vision. If the toxins don't kill her prey, her mind games surely will.”


  • Snakebite - Viper creates and fires a projectile, that explodes into a pool of acid which damages enemies that pass through it.
  • Poison Cloud - Viper throws what looks like a gas emitter, that she can then reactivate to create a cloud of poison smoke.
  • Toxic Screen - Viper consumes her fuel reserves to create a tall wall of toxic gas that obscures vision and damages anyone who passes through it.
  • Viper’s Pit: Viper’s ultimate allows her to create a massive toxic cloud in a large area, which holds its shape as long as Viper stays inside the cloud. Once enemies enter the cloud, they will appear highlighted to her.
Viper in Valorant Sova in Valorant Sova in Valorant Cypher in Valorant Cypher in Valorant Brimstone in Valorant Brimstone in Valorant Sage in Valorant.
Viper in Valorant Sova in Valorant Sova in Valorant Cypher in Valorant Cypher in Valorant Brimstone in Valorant Brimstone in Valorant Sage in Valorant.

Playstyle: Viper has one of the highest skill expressions among all the VALORANT agents. She is quite hard to master, but once you put in the time to understand her kit, she is going to be incredibly rewarding. Her toxic screens are just amazing in controlling the map, and when used right, she can single-handedly take over a round.


#5: Sova

Nationality: Russia.

Agent Description: Sova tracks, finds and eliminates enemies with ruthless efficiency and precision. His custom bow and incredible scouting abilities ensure that even if you run, you cannot hide.


  • Shock Bolt - Sova will fire an explosive bolt which upon impact will emit a pulse that can damage enemies. Filling in extra charges to the bolt will help it to ricochet off surfaces.
  • Owl Drone - Sova will launch a drone that can be controlled, and use it to fire a dart which will reveal the position of enemies that the dart hits.
  • Recon Bolt - Much like the Shock Bolt, Sova’s Recon Bolt too comes with ricochet abilities; however, instead of damaging the enemy on impact, it sends out a pulse that reveals nearby enemy location. It can be destroyed.
  • Hunter’s Fury - Sova’s ultimate can help him to fire three energy blasts that deal a lot of damage. He can hit it cross-map, and the bolts will even go through buildings and terrain. Enemies hit by the blast will be marked as well.

Playstyle - Sova is the team scout. He is all about gathering valuable intel on enemy locations and helping his team to either push into a plant site or defend it. However, his defensive abilities are much more powerful than his offensive ones, and he acts like an impregnable fortress when holding down bomb sites.


#6: Cypher

Nationality: Morocco.

Agent Description: “Cypher is a one-man surveillance network who keeps tabs on the enemy's every move. No secret is safe. No manoeuvre goes unseen. Cypher is always watching.”


  • Trapwire - Cypher can place a tripwire between two walls, and enemies who pass through it have their movement restrained and their position revealed for a short time. Enemies will need to destroy the trap as soon as they trigger it, or else will get dazed. Cypher will be able to pick up the trap whenever he wants and place it somewhere else.
  • Cyber Cage - He tosses out a trap that can be remotely activated when required. Once active, any enemy that passes through it will make a noise, thereby revealing their location.
  • Spycam - With the Spycam ability, Cypher can literally have an extra pair of eyes around the map. After placing the cam and reactivating it, Cypher will get a live video feed of what the camera sees. Using the left click will hit out a tracking dart that again will reveal the enemy location. The cam can be picked up or destroyed, doing either will place it under a recharge time before next use.
  • Neural Theft - Cypher’s ultimate will allow him to extract information from a fallen enemy corpse, which will reveal the location of the remaining enemies.

Playstyle: Much like Sova, Cypher too is all about gathering intel to get an advantage over the enemy. However, he is much more of a control type of agent with hardly any aggressive tools at his disposal, but he can be an invaluable asset to the team when played right.


#7: Brimstone

Nationality: USA.

Agent Description: “Brimstone's orbital arsenal ensures his squad always has the advantage. His ability to deliver utility precisely and safely make him the unmatched boots-on-the-ground commander.”


  • Incendiary - Brimstone will launch an incendiary grenade that acts much like a Molotov and creates a damaging pool of fire on the ground. Enemies will take constant tick damage when passing through it.
  • Stim Beacon - Brimstone will be able to target a location and call in a Stim Beacon, which will be able to give all teammates near it, improved rate of fire, and less recoil.
  • Sky Smoke - Acts much like a smoke grenade, Brimstone opens up the orbital deployment hud on his bracelet and calls in smoke screens that obscure vision. It can be deployed anywhere on the map and can be done three times.
  • Orbital Strike - Bringing up the hud again, Brimstone can call in an orbital strike in a target location that can devastate the enemy team. The strike dishes out a high amount of damage over a period of time.

Playstyle: Brimstone’s kit balances both offence and defence perfectly. He is also an entry-level Agent, so if you’re new to the game, be sure to pick him up as he will allow you easily pick up the core mechanics of Valorant.


#8: Sage

Nationality: China.

Agent Description: “Sage creates safety for herself and her team wherever she goes. Able to revive fallen friends and stave off forceful assaults, she provides a calm centre to a hellish battlefield.”


  • Slow Orb - Sage throws out a radianite orb which breaks when hitting the ground and creates a field that slows enemies down when they try to walk on it. Apart from getting slowed, the enemy movement will make noise as well.
  • Barrier Orb - Sage will be able to create a large solid wall, which cannot be passed through but can be broken or jumped on top of. Right-clicking before casting will rotate the orb in all directions.
  • Healing Orb - Sage can either heal herself or an ally that she targets with the cursor, to full health over a few seconds.
  • Resurrection - Sage will be able to target the corpse of a fallen ally, and then revive them to full health after a short delay.
Sage in Valorant Omen in Valorant Omen in Valorant
Sage in Valorant Omen in Valorant Omen in Valorant

Playstyle: Sage might be considered as just a healer, but it's also important to realise the sheer amount of 'carry' potential that this Valorant Agent has. She has everything in her arsenal to control the game from the back while giving the team a much-needed advantage over the enemy.


#9: Omen

Nationality: Unknown.

Agent Description: “Omen hunts in the shadows. He renders enemies blind, teleports across the field, then lets paranoia take hold as foes scramble to uncover where it might strike next.”


  • Paranoia - Omen sends out an Ethereal shadow in a straight line. It will cause enemies to be inflicted with ‘Nearsighting’ if it touches them.
  • Shadow Walk - Shadow Walk allows Omen to have a lot of mobility in the game as he can use it to teleport short distances, even atop pillars and structures.
  • Dark Cover - Omen can cast a dark smokescreen whose landing distance he can change and increase. The smoke can go through walls and obscure enemy vision when entered.
  • From the Shadows - Omen will be able to select any point in the map and teleport there after a short delay. A dark outline will form where he will teleport, and he will be vulnerable for a short time after landing. Pressing the button again will cancel the teleport.

Playstyle: Like Sage, Omen too is amazing at playing a supporting role. Though his ultimate is one of the hardest abilities to time right, once mastered, he can be one of the trickiest Agents to pin down in Valorant.


#10: Breach

Breach in Valorant Breach in Valorant Raze in Valorant Raze in Valorant
Breach in Valorant Breach in Valorant Raze in Valorant Raze in Valorant

Nationality: USA.

Agent Description: “The bionic Swede Breach fires powerful, targeted kinetic blasts to aggressively clear a path through enemy ground. The damage and disruption he inflicts ensures no fight is ever fair.”


  • Flash Point - Breach is capable of creating an energy blast through the wall, which after just a small delay, erupts on the other side and blinds everyone who sees it.
  • Aftershock - Works a lot like Flash Point, but instead of blinding the enemy, it deals heavy damage to them.
  • Faultline - This ability allows Breach to charge up and release a fissure of radianite energy which stuns and concusses any enemy in its path. Further charging it will increase the range.
  • Rolling Thunder - Breach launches a massive eruption that can go through walls and concuss enemies who are hit by it and knock them into the air.

Playstyle - Breach is one of the best Agents in Valorant when it comes to attacking plant sites. His ability to clear out corners is unparalleled, and that is precisely why he is one of the best entry fraggers in Valorant.


#11: Raze

Nationality: Brazil.

Agent Description: ‘Raze explodes out of Brazil with her big personality and big guns. With her blunt-force-trauma playstyle, she excels at flushing entrenched enemies and clearing tight spaces with a generous dose of "boom".’


  • Boombot - Raze sets out a ‘seeker bot’ that ‘ricochets from wall to wall’ in search of enemies. On finding enemies, the bot will rush towards them and explode dealing a lot of damage.
  • Blast Pack - Raze throws a satchel on the ground which can be reactivated to either give her a boost in the air or give moderate damage to the enemy. If not activated it will detonate after a short while.
  • Paint Shells - Raze will throw a cluster grenade which explodes on impact and creates three more explosions right after.
  • Showstopper - Showstopper is Raze’s 1v5 rocket launcher. Just aim and shoot, and you will be able to see a large-radius explosive which deals an insane amount of damage.

Playstyle: Raze is the perfect pick for those who are entirely new to first-person shooters, want to have some fun in Valorant and rack up a lot of kills. She has amazing aggressive pushing abilities with her Paint Shells and Showstopper, but her defence and site holding capabilities are really weak.


Each Valorant Agent is unique:

All of the 11 Valorant Agents have their own unique personalities that players would have a very fun time connecting to.

Anna Donlon, the executive director of Valorant, stated in an interview that:

“We want players to feel really connected to the agents they choose to play. Exposing players to the agent backstories, as well as the backstory of this world they are fighting in, can be a really cool way to deepen that connection. We’re excited to see what the community’s appetite for lore/story is for Valorant."
Edited by Suromitro Basu
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