None of us are strangers to how oppressive an enemy Sage player can be when she is played right.
The variety of utility that the Valorant Agent has in her arsenal is incredible, to say the least. In the right situations, the slow and barrier Orbs can act as a big 'nope' button for the most aggressive of duelists.
Even after so many patches and intermittent nerfs, Sage is still one of the best Agents in the game. Valorant's character design lead Ryan "Morello" Scott even went on to call her 'out of control' in one of his streams.
Apart from being overpowered with her CC and healing, Sage is also the most popular Agent in the game at the moment. Not only does she have the highest pick rate in competitive matchmaking, but also boasts a very high win rate among all the Agents.
However, that being said, Sage's popularity is not restricted to a particular rank tier alone. It's not like that her pick and win rate is higher at the upper echelons of the ranking system.
Sage enjoys an all-round 20% win rate in all tiers, from Iron all the way to Radiant, she has been a must pick for every team, no matter the situation.
Morello's thoughts on Sage in Valorant
In his small Q&As and live streams, Morello has always been transparent with the player base about all the problems that the developers feel Valorant is facing at the moment.
In one of the recent broadcasts, Morello said that "Sage needs pretty big work"; however, balancing her is going to be a challenge. Sage's kit and utility stats are made in such a way, that nerfing her the wrong way, might make her incredibly dull to play.
Morello also suggests that the problem with Sage is not with her healing, "We might have to be really creative," he said. "But we also might have to be a little extreme with how we have to hit her."
But giving her a 'high risk, high reward' playstyle is only going to give her the properties of a duelist, which for a 'Sentinel' class Agent, will not do her any good.