The Valorant developers seem to be keen on bringing a lot of quality changes to their shooter. After bringing out a lot of matchmaking changes recently, Riot Games seem to be planning to bring the skin ‘devolve’ feature in the coming updates.
Now, it’s no secret that the Valorant design team has been going up and beyond, especially when it came to creating some of the S-tier weapon cosmetics. The Oni collection, the Elderflame aesthetics and the colourful Glitchpop series are some of the most creative skin concepts in any fps genre.
With that being said, even if a player loves the skin, he/she might not love the VFX that comes with it.
The Battpass feature of Valorant has been praised by many to be one of the most redeeming factors of the Valorant store, especially after the backlash that the devs faced because of their incredibly expensive skin collections.

Not only are the skins quite expensive but the VFX upgrades bring on additional charges, which is just a bummer if you like the skin and the variations but not the VFX since you will need to buy base skin, along with all of its additional VFX, to get the cosmetic variation that you want. And only when you are able to unlock all the tiers will you be able to move on to the next.
Riot Games will be bringing the VFX toggle in Valorant’s future patches

In one of the recent Q&A blog posts, Valorant producer, Preeti ‘Preeti’ Khanolkar, replied to a query that a player had about Riot Games’ plans on a cosmetic ‘devolving’ system in the future.
Preeti said:
“Yes, we discussed this a lot before launch. There are a few things that we had to consider first before we started building any tech to support something like this, including how players would react to custom effects, animation, and sound.A system like this takes time to build and means that the engineers working on it aren't tackling other equally important gameplay needs. All that said, we recognize the value in Skin Level Toggling, and it's something we want to invest in.”
Apart from just being able to downgrade a VFX, Riot Games are also planning to add changes that will offer ‘additional customisation options’ in Valorant and a way to solve the Radianite Point problem.