Call of Duty Warzone 2 has a few peculiar problems that are yet to receive permanent fixes. One such bug is where players are sometimes immediately eliminated despite squadmates being alive and healthy. The entire avenue of being knocked first disappears, and the game transitions directly to a respawn countdown in Resurgence lobbies.
Warzone 2 player “MoMoJaZy” uploaded a short video clip to Reddit and cited their doubt about the instant elimination after receiving a lethal shot. The question remains valid as the other squad members were alive while the game was designed to knock down players while playing squads.
This bug can cause a lot of players to miss out on retaliation opportunities as their characters would have to be redeployed or wait for respawn. Let us take a closer look at the bug-in-question, which disregards the knockdown mechanic completely.
How to fix Warzone 2 bug that eliminates players instantly?
Activision is tasked with maintaining a delicate balance between Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. The developers must continuously detect and deploy patches to avoid overpowered weapons and provide a fair playing ground to all players. However, the battle royale has a few issues that might require more time to be addressed and fixed.
Fortunately, this bug has a few workarounds that can help players avoid being eliminated in such a way.
- You should ensure you have a self-revive kit in the inventory.
- You should also double-check if the self-revive kit is equipped on the character or stored inside the backpack.
- You can try dropping one equipped inventory slot and the self-revive kit on the ground first and then pick the one to automatically equip it.
- You should also keep in mind the number of self-revive kits that you have used to not be caught off-guard and collect more whenever possible.
It is important to note that these are not official fixes and may not work for everyone. Considering that the bug appears to occur randomly to different players, it is best to take some precautions and remain near the squad members to receive necessary help when required.
What is causing the Warzone 2 instant elimination bug?
There can be various reasons for such a problem in the battle royale title. The bug may be directly related to the self-revive kits themselves, which causes players to get eliminated before even getting knocked.
The issue can also be associated with some game modes and affect multiple players in the lobby with no specific criteria.
What is the Warzone 2 instant elimination bug?
The video clip shows that the player gets instantly sent to the countdown screen after the enemy combatant lands a sniper shot on the character. A few other players chimed in and commented that they had also faced such instances, which made playing the game difficult.
Warzone 2 is an online multiplayer title with a massive player base and is expected to have a few issues and glitches. However, this bug is quite random and can surprise players and leave them confounded.