Dead Space is a survival horror video game series developed by Visceral Games. The first game in the series was released in 2008. The story of Dead Space follows Engineer Isaac Clarke as he tries to survive on a mining ship overrun by deadly creatures called Necromorphs. The Necromorphs are alien creatures that have the ability to reanimate dead bodies and turn them into monstrous beings.
Who are the aliens in Dead Space?
The aliens in the Dead Space series are known as the Necromorphs, a race of mutated and reanimated corpses created by an ancient alien species known as the Markers. Necromorphs come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from humans to giant beasts. Some of the most common Necromorphs are the Lurkers, a type of humanoid aliens with an elongated head and a pair of sharp, curved blades protruding from their arms.
The Pack, another type of Necromorph, are small, agile creatures that travel in large swarms and are capable of infecting other creatures. Lastly, the Spiders are massive, spider-like Necromorphs that have four large tentacles coming out of their backs and can shoot acid from their mouths.
The Necromorphs are driven by a hive-mind mentality, with a strong desire to spread the Markers' corruptive influence across the universe. Due to their mutated nature, Necromorphs possess superhuman strength, speed, and resilience, making them incredibly dangerous opponents. While they are susceptible to conventional weapons, they are especially vulnerable to the specialized weapons and tools developed specifically to counter their threat.
Who controls the Necromorphs?
The Necromorphs, the reanimated corpses long feared in the universe of the popular science fiction video game series ''Dead Space'', are controlled by a mysterious force known as the Markers. These Markers are powerful artifacts of unknown origin that are capable of transforming their surroundings into hostile environments inhabited by the Necromorphs.
While their purpose and origin remain unknown, it is clear that the Markers have a powerful influence over the Necromorphs, as they are capable of manipulating the reanimated corpses to their will. By using their psychic powers, the Markers can create powerful monsters from any dead matter and control them as an army of destruction.
Throughout the ''Dead Space'' series, the Markers have been the source of much terror and destruction, and their mysterious power is still a subject of much debate.