Dead Space (2008) is set in 2058, many years after humans have colonized other worlds. Due to a lack of resources, humanity was wiped out on Earth, and ships were dispatched to collect materials from the planet.
The game's main character is Isaac Clarke, an engineer who travels on the Kellion to find out what happened to his girlfriend, Nicole Brennan, Ishimura's senior medical officer. Zach Hammond, the Kellion's chief security officer, and Kendra Daniels, a computer technician, are with Isaac on board. The Kellion crew is unaware that Kendra is a government agent from Earth who has been dispatched to manage the situation.
According to the backstory, the "Red Marker," a man-made imitation of the original alien Marker monolith discovered on Earth was said to have been located on Aegis VII. The development of a virus-like organism that infected corpses and turned them into undead creatures known as Necromorphs was the result of attempts to weaponize the Marker and its variants.
Two significant factions in Dead Space are Unitology, a movement that worships the Red Markers, and the Earth Government, which produced and then hid the Red Markers.
The Ishimura also houses Dr. Terrence Kyne, a survivor who wants to return the Marker to Aegis VII; Challus Mercer, an insane scientist who thinks the necromorphs are humanity's ascended form; and Nicole, who mysteriously communicates with Isaac and manifests herself to him at various points throughout the ship.
During the events preceding Dead Space, the colony on Aegis VII finds the "Red Marker" that was concealed there. The colonists, and later the crew of the ship, started to experience hallucinations. With the exception of a few members of the Ishimura crew, the entire Aegis VII colony will have been killed or transformed into Necromorphs by the time the maintenance ship Kellion arrives.

What is the storyline of Dead Space 2023?
The game's basic storyline is the same as the original. A massive planetary mining ship named the USG Ishimura, which has stopped operating, is the subject of the story, which takes place in the 26th century and centers on engineer Isaac Clarke.
The crew of the ship is attacked by mutant human corpses as they look into a distress call sent by Nicole Brennan, the medical officer, who is also Isaac's girlfriend. In an effort to save his crewmates who are still alive and uncover the truth about the sinking of the Ishimura, Isaac is left to fend for himself.
Who developed Dead Space 2023?
On July 1, 2021, games journalist Jeff Grubb of GamesBeat reported that Motive Studio was working on a Dead Space remake. He posted that the success of Capcom's remakes of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3, as well as EA's single-player Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019), played a significant role in the publisher's decision to approve the Dead Space remake.
EA's exclusive Frostbite engine, which Motive Studios previously used to create Star Wars: Squadrons and the single-player campaign of Star Wars Battlefront II, is being used to create the game. The game will have new assets, character models, and environments while keeping the same plot and gameplay mechanics as the original.
The game will be presented as an "uninterrupted sequence shot" without loading screens thanks to the developers' plan to take advantage of SSDs on consoles from the ninth generation. Technical limitations may have forced the removal of some content from the original game. In contrast to Dead Space 3, where the inclusion of microtransactions led to a poor reception, the game will not include any of them.

Who developed the original Dead Space in 2008?
Glen Schofield developed Dead Space. Schofield wanted to make the scariest horror game he thought was possible. His idea was influenced by Resident Evil 4 from 2005. According to co-producer Steve Papoutsis, EA Redwood Shores had made a name for itself as a studio for licensed game properties, but the group saw an opportunity to diversify into original properties and establish themselves as "a proper game studio."
The title of the game at this point was "Rancid Moon." Dead Space was described as a project that numerous Redwood Shores staff members had been itching to work on for a long time.
Co-director Michael Condrey described it as a grassroots project in 2014, adding that the team was eager to demonstrate its abilities but did not anticipate the game to take off to a significant degree. They were given three months to develop a prototype when they pitched the game to parent company Electronic Arts in the beginning of 2006. It took 18 months to complete this pre-greenlight work, according to co-producer Chuck Beaver.

After receiving approval, the team constructed eleven more levels in ten months using their prior experience building the vertical slice. The group repurposed the game engine they had created for The Godfather because it had been customized to their development style, supported the necessary environmental effects, and integrated the Havok physics engine.
Q. What is the story behind Dead Space?
A. Dead Space takes place in 2058, many years after humans colonized other planets. Ships were sent to gather resources from the planet after humanity on Earth was wiped out due to a lack of resources.
Q. Who developed the original Dead Space 2008?
A. Electronic Arts (EA) Redwood Shores created and released the original Dead Space.
Q. Who was the creator of the original Dead Space 2008?
A. Glen Schofield created the original Dead Space.