Daedra Hearts can be acquired by defeating Daedric enemies or slaying Dremora.
Daedra Hearts eventually become an integral part of brewing potions in Skyrim. Getting your hands on enough Daedra Hearts to brew all the potions you'll need is an intensive effort.
What is a Daedra?
In Skyrim Oblivion, The Daedric Princes are important figures. Daedra is a peculiar enemy that stands out amongst Skyrim's natural, ethereal, and mechanical enemies. Daedra roams the lands of Skyrim in several forms, from Dremora to Atronachs to Scamps, Daedra Marr Skyrim's landscape in Mage covens, dark dungeons, and otherworldly planes.
What are Daedra Hearts?
Daedra Hearts are essential for crafting potions on the higher end. They're also a necessary ingredient for smithing recipes. Deadra Hearts are rare enough to get a steady supply. There are a few places where players can find guaranteed samples.
Where to find Daedra Hearts?
Daedra Hearts may be found in three places in Skyrim: throughout several Daedric Prince tasks, in the Atronach Forge, or taken from dead Dremora and other Daedric opponents. The first approach is the simplest: do some Daedric Prince quests and loot every body and every container you come across for Daedra Hearts. At the Atronach Forge, combine a Sigil Stone, a Human Heart, and an empty Black Soul Gem to make a Daedra Heart. If all else fails, look for Dremora in the forts, dark wizard covens, and dungeons of Skyrim. Surprisingly, Thalmor agents roving the province rarely carry them, although others argue it is "illegal" and "immoral" to murder Thalmor agents wherever they might be found.
What are the effects of Daedra Hearts?
One of the most potent elements for alchemy and smithing are the Daedra Hearts in Skyrim. These are some of the rare substances found in the game. (They're even more infrequent than Ebony Ingots!) Slaying Dremora and Deadra doesn't always guarantee a Daedra Heart, which makes it even more challenging to acquire this item. They're used to make some of the most powerful potions in the game that can restore health and stamina and recover damage quicker. The player can use these potions or sell them for a hefty amount of gold. Deadra Hearts are also used to craft the Daedric Arms and armors.
What are the stats of Daedra Hearts?
The stats of Deadra Hearts are:
Value: 250
Effect One: Restore Health (5 pts)
Effect Two: Damage Magicka (3 Pts)
Effect Three: Damage Stamina Recovery (reduced to 0 for 5 seconds)
Effect Four: Fear (Creatures up to Lvl 1 for 30 seconds)
Q. Are Daedra Hearts rare?
A. Daedra hearts are rare, but they're not difficult to find. There are a handful of places where Daedra Hearts can be found. Daedra Hearts are used in high-level Smithing and Alchemy recipes.
Q. Who sells Daedra Hearts?
A. Enthir from Winterhold sells Daedra Hearts at the College. He will respawn two every 48 hours.
Q. Who is the most powerful god in Skyrim?
A. The most powerful god in Skyrim is Akatosh. However, if we're looking at the power of gods from an age perspective, Aka is the biggest and baddest of them all.