There will be 4 DLCs in Atomic Heart, according to the developers, Mundfish.
In a fury of superscience hyperviolence, Atomic Heart burst upon the world in 2018 through the perplexing haze of its trailers. Atomic Heart remained a gripping mystery despite years of delays: what was with all the Soviet killer robots? What's the backstory behind this twisted Soviet utopia? Following years of speculation, Atomic Heart has been unleashed into the wild, and we've finally delved into its incomprehensible craziness for ourselves.
What is Atomic Heart?
A parallel universe First-person combat game set in the Soviet period, with killer robots, clown-themed torture chambers, and grandmothers imprisoned in flowing molecular gloop. Its combat combines shooting and fighting using homemade weapons, and because ammo is scarce, you'll need to sneak through some places as well.
There are lots of combat options on display in revealed gameplay previews, between the vortex of things meeting violent ends—all sorts of powers from the player's left hand, like telekinesis and ice jets, with equally varied weaponry in the right, including pistols, electrified rifles, and a pitchfork that's also a giant pair of scissors.
Will Atomic Heart have a DLC?
According to Mundfish and Focus Entertainment, there will be "four DLCs, unlocking access to additional regions and labs, as well as new weaponry, monsters, bosses, and more!" Thus, instead of occurring after the game, the DLC will be integrated into the existing tale as additional locales within Facility 3826.
Focus and Mundfish have yet to confirm. Based on how other firms have handled DLC, we anticipate them arriving within the next year and a half. You can get the Atomic Pass right now, which includes all four pieces of Content. The Atomic Pass is also included in various game versions; for additional information, see our explanation of Atomic Heart presale bonuses.
The pass costs $39.99 when purchased individually, and while the whole game is available through Game Pass, the Atomic Pass content is unlikely to be.
When will Atomic Heart release?
Atomic Heart was released on February 20, 2023. While the release window was initially set and later confirmed as late 2022, an announcement that Focus Interactive would publish Atomic Heart described the game as "initially planned for 2022."