Hogwarts Legacy is an enthralling journey based on the popular Harry Potter series. It allows players to explore the vast grounds of the legendary wizarding school and discover its secrets. Take on the role of a student, learn strong spells, and use them to overcome difficult riddles and mystical creatures. The game will transport players through the halls of Hogwarts and beyond.
You'll be able to explore the grounds, engage in thrilling duels, and unravel the mysteries of Hogwarts and the surrounding world with a range of spells and powerful relics. However, one of the biggest questions on many minds is whether Voldemort will be a part of the game.
Will there be Voldemort in Hogwarts Legacy?
The quick answer is that Voldemort will most likely not appear in Hogwarts Legacy. Hogwarts Legacy takes place 100 years before the Harry Potter books, therefore Voldemort would not have been alive at the time. Furthermore, because the game takes place several years before the events of the books and movies, even familiar figures such as Dumbledore are unlikely to appear.
This is likely because the game is focused on allowing players to create their own character and experience a story set in the Harry Potter universe without any direct tie-ins to the books and movies.
Will there be Dark Magic in Hogwarts Legacy?
Dark Magic, or more specifically, the three unforgivable spells Avada Kedavra, Crucio, and Imperio, were completely established in Harry Potter's world in the fourth novel, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The teachers in the Harry Potter universe never teach these spells and merely discuss them in theory. This means that anyone who wishes to learn these spells must do so outside of Hogwarts.
So, let's get back to whether you'll be allowed to utilize Dark Magic in Hogwarts Legacy or not. The answer is yes. In the game, you can utilize Dark Magic. However, according to leaked game video and papers, these three spells will not be accessible until much later in the game.
Who is the villain in Hogwarts Legacy?
The major adversary in Hogwarts Legacy is the goblin Ranrok, who has forged an uneasy alliance with the local Dark Wizards led by the renowned Victor Rookwood, who is also an antagonist. Despite the fact that the 1800s were known for improving ties between human magic wielders and their goblin neighbors, such as when Gringotts Bank returned to goblin hands, one goblin had other plans.
Victor Rookwood, on the other hand, is the commander of an unknown band of Dark Wizards helping Ranrok in his revolt against wizardkind. Although the terms 'Dark Wizard' and 'Death Eater' are sometimes used interchangeably in the original Harry Potter canon, the statement actually refers to a broader group of witches and wizards who primarily study and practice the Dark Arts, including the use of dark magic.