The Buddh International Circuit, where India’s first ever Formula One Grand Prix is scheduled to be hosted, was unveiled today amidst huge cheers of the fans. The circuit is now officially open where the best drivers of the world will race on the 30th October this year. There is excitement among the fans of Formula One in India and all are curious to know more about the track that will mark the entrance of India to the racing arena.
The Buddh International circuit is 5.137 kilometres long, built to the south of New Delhi in the suburb of Noida. The circuit has been designed by Herman Tilke, who has also designed other racing circuits in Malaysia, Bahrain, China, Turkey, Indonesia, the UAE, South Africa, South Korea and US. Sepang International Circuit, Bahrain International Circuit, Shanghai International Circuit and the Valencia Street Circuit are the major projects in which Tilke has worked. This circuit will be the 68th circuit to hold an F1 race.
Spread over 875 acres of land, expected lap time for a formula one car on this track is 1 minute, 27.02 seconds, at an average speed of 131 mph (210 kmph). There are 16 corners on the track with a long straight between corner 3 and 4. Cars are expected to clock more than 300 kmph on this straight. The circuit is so designed that the whole race can be best viewed from the grand stand.
The circuit has four zones: one on each direction East, West, South and North. The Grandstand is in the west zone. The capacity of Grandstand is 20,000 and world class facilities are available here for the spectators. There are two more stands Classic stand 1 and 2 in the west zone.
The North zone has 3 stands namely Picnic, Premium and Classic. These stands are near the corner 1, 2 and 3. As per information provided by the race designers, the elevation of the track is 14 metres between Turns one and three. This will add thrill to the racing as well as viewing experience.
East zone has 5 stands; 3 of them are called star and other two are called classic. These stands are spread from corner 4 to 8. Similarly the south zone has been divided into the Premium, Picnic and Natural Stands. The combined capacity of all the stands is 1,50,000.
Full proof Security and safety norms have been adopted by the organisers. Helicopters will be on standby during the race for immediate help.
The racing teams were consulted during the design and building of the track. Another special point about this track is that it has used several exciting features of other race tracks around the world. Hopefully, 1st Indian GP will be a huge success when 24 cars will race on this track on the 30th October.
Indian GP, 2011 Schedule (IST):
28 October, Friday
Practice 1: 10:00 - 11:30
Practice 2: 14:00 - 15:30
29 October, Saturday
Practice 3: 11:00 - 12:00
Qualifying: 14:00
30 October, Sunday
Race: 15:00