#3 Motor Generator Unit | MGU-H

MGU-H: Mercedes = 19, Ferrari = 18, Renault = 26, Honda = 16
The MGU-H was decided to be discarded for the 20121 regulations, but the FIA finally reversed their own decision to retain it. The MGU-H is an energy recovery system; a motor generator unit which harvests thermal energy from the exhaust via the turbocharger. IMGU-H provides 60% of the electric energy used to power the energy recovery system.
It is a key piece of technology that has been developed and which has road relevance. Ferrari again had the best MGU-H unit, while Renault and Honda were way off their targets. Interestingly, the slowest of the Renault powered car - McLaren used just one extra unit while Red Bull and the Renault works team each had to get 9 to get through the season.
That is 50% more than the allotted number. Honda overshot their limit by 10, using 16 to service the two Toro Rossos.