#5 Warwick Brown
Brown may surely not have been even an iota of men considered to be among the greatest Australian F1 drivers, for quite clearly his very debut race became his final F1 race - the reference to the context being the 1976 US GP - but the Sydney-born made a name for himself in the Tasman Series.
He had won the Tasman series in 1975, driving a Lola T332 Chevrolet.
Moreover, among the finest achievements of the 69-year-old Aussie was his winning the Rothmans International Series in Australia, not once but twice, which happened to be a famous Australian motor-racing series that was held from 1976 to 1979.
While the world of F1 racing may not particularly count Mr Brown as a great, it can be said for certain that the Aussie's calibre and that ability to go fast in a race car was second to few others at his time.