New Delhi - For the second year in a row, the Jaypee Sports International Limited (JPSI), promoters of the Indian Grand Prix, have been adjudged as the “Best F1 Race Promoter” by the world body FIA.
At a glitzy awards gala in Istanbul Friday, JPSI beat 19 circuits to defend the title it had won after last year’s stupendous success of the inaugural Indian Grand Prix. Farhan Vohra, race operations in-charge at the Buddh Inernational Circuit, was recognised as Best Clerk of the Course.
Sameer Gaur, managing Director and CEO of JPSI, said it was moment of pride for the organisers.
“This is indeed a very proud moment and I am honoured to receive this FIA award for the second time on behalf of my entire team and the country, whose support and enthusiasm was responsible for us to win this award again. This award will motivate us to host a grandeur F1 Indian Grand Prix next year and we would hopefully be able to complete a hat-trick of the award,” Gaur said in a statement.