#7 Sir Jackie Stewart

Speaking of Sir Jackie Stewart in the last one, here he is at number 7 on the list. You may still see him at GP’s from time to time still wearing his tartan trousers and showing guests around the paddock, he is still as much a fan favourite now as he was in his racing years.
He helped shape F1 to what it is today, he made the sport more popular to watch not just by racing but by using his excellent communication skills. He was also someone who helped massively in making the sport much safer during times when not everyone would make it throughout the whole season.
He was one of the first F1 superstars, someone who lived a glamorous life rubbing shoulders with movie stars, politicians and royalty yet he stay very grounded and was always there for his wife and kids. The Scot was a huge attraction for the fans with his famously long hair and trademark black cap he became a poster boy for the sport.
He was a hugely talented driver with his three world championship highlights that fact but it was what he did for the sport in general which is what really impressed me and in 2001 he received a knighthood for his contributions to the sport he loves.
World Championships – 3 (1969, 1971, 1973)
GP Entries - 100
GP Wins – 27
Podiums – 43
Last Win – 1973 German GP