India's Bhavani Devi created history at Olympics 2021 after winning her round of 64 clash against Tunisia's Nadia Ben Azizi. She sailed through 15-3 through with an aggressive performance. She displayed impressive technique and had her opponent on the backfoot throughout the match.
However, Bhavani faced a very tough challenge in the next round. She was up against France's Manon Brunet, who is the current World No. 3. Despite this, Devi put up a formidable fight and managed to score 7 points in the round of 32 clash. Brunet went on to win the duel 15-7 and advance to the next round.
Bhavani Devi's apology
After recording a historic day at the Olympics, Bhavani Devi shared her experience on Twitter. She mentioned how she tried her level best but could not overcome the French opponent. Bhavani Devi also apologized for her loss.
This post was followed by messages of support and encouragement for the Indian fencer from Tamil Nadu. People took to Twitter to show their support for Bhavani Devi. Fans felt that she did not need to apologize and that she had made the entire country proud with her performance in the sport.
Fencing is not a widely popular sport in India. Bhavani Devi became the first Indian fencer to qualify for the Olympics at the World Cup in Hungary in March. Although she was knocked out in the starting rounds, she secured a spot for Tokyo through the Adjusted Official Ranking Method.
The performance given by Bhavani Devi on the world's biggest sporting stage will go down in Indian history and inspire many to take up the sport. She herself has plenty of positives to take from her performance in the first round.
Indian fans will be hoping to see Bhavani Devi at the next Olympics as well.
Also read - India at Olympics 2021