India's Bhavani Devi recently claimed that she has set no limits on her goals at the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. While speaking in a virtual press conference from Italy on Wednesday, the Indian fencer said she would not be satisfied with just a quarter-final finish at the Games. Instead, she will look to keep going and make the final too.
"Somebody asked me the other day how do I plan to make it to the quarterfinals, now that I have qualified for the Games. I said why just the quarterfinals, why not the finals?" Bhavani Devi said.
The 27-year-old, who hails from Chennai, has already broken new ground by becoming the first Indian fencer to qualify for the mega-quadrennial event.
Competing in the sabre fencing event, Bhavani Devi secured her Tokyo spot by clinching one of the two individual berths set aside for the Asia and Oceania region.
The 8-time national champion, ranked 42nd in the world, asserted that she is ready to give her best and will not put any limits on her possibilities at Tokyo.
"I want to give my absolute best at the Tokyo Olympics and am not going to restrict myself in thinking about what I can or cannot achieve in the global event. The possibilities are limitless," said Bhavani Devi.
Bhavani Devi's Olympic event scheduled for July 26
As per the schedule available on the Tokyo Olympics website, the women's individual sabre event, which has a draw of 64 fencers, will be held on July 26, 2021.
A 64-player draw means Bhavani Devi will need to win four bouts to qualify for the semi-finals. However, a semi-final does not assure a fencer of an individual medal at the Olympics as the event features a bronze medal play-off.
That essentially means that any fencer in the individual sabre field will need to win 5 bouts to be assured of an Olympic medal.
With the kind of confidence Bhavani Devi has right now, she will target nothing less than a historic medal for India in individual sabre.