Despite her second-round exit from the Olympics 2021, Indian fencer Bhavani Devi has scripted a few firsts under her name. She was the first Indian to qualify for the mega event. On Monday, she added another feather to her cap by winning her first-round match at the ongoing Olympic Games.
Bhavani comfortably defeated her Tunisian opponent Nadia Ben Azizi 15-3 to become the first Indian to win an Olympic match in fencing.
Fencing is one of the five sports that have been a part of every Olympics since 1896. It was first introduced in India in 1974. It was a historic moment for India when Bhavani stepped on the mat to take on Nadia in the first round.
Bhavani Devi lost to world No.3 Manon Brunet in the second round of the women's sabre event on Monday.
Bhavani Devi's childhood and rise to glory
Bhavani Devi was born to CA Sundararaman and CA Ramani in a middle class family. Her father was a temple priest. Bhavani was in the sixth standard when she was introduced to fencing at school.
Since the sport is not exactly well-known in India, Bhavani was criticized for taking up fencing. When she saw her family struggle to meet the expenses, Bhavani decided to give up the sport. However, fate stepped in.
Right when Bhavani thought of quitting fencing, the GoSports Foundation came to her aid with a scholarship in 2015.
Bhavani's first win was a monumental start for Indian fencing at the Olympics.
Why is Bhavani Devi's victory at the Olympics important?
Winning is always overwhelming. But what's more rewarding is being the pioneer in any field. Bhavani Devi has now made it to the list of elites who pave the path for future accomplishers.
From Abhinav Bindra's gold in 2008 to Bhavani Devi's first victory in Tokyo, India is slowly moving towards a sporting revolution.
Although India did not win a medal, the first match was a big breakthrough in untested waters. Is this just the beginning? Will India ever find itself at the podium in fencing? We will have to wait until the next Olympics to know the answer.
Also read: India in Tokyo Olympics 2021 India Schedule