#1 Sven Bender and Lars Bender

Season Stats : (Lars/Sven)
Games: 20/34
Goals: 2/2
Assists: 3/0
Key passes per game: 0.7/0.1
Tackles per game: 3.1/1.8
Interceptions per game: 1.7/2.1
Same looks? Check.
Same position? Check.
Same nation they represent? Check.
Same club they play for? Check.
The Benders are the definition of brothers in football. Like many others in this list, Lars and Sven started at the same club too, 1860 Munich in this case.
They began their career in the same year - 2006. They left Munich in the same year too - 2009! While Sven moved to Borussia Dortmund and played there for eight years, Lars went to Bayer Leverkusen.
In 2017, Sven ended his tenure at Dortmund and joined his brother at Bayer Leverkusen, to be united once again.
Edited by Alan John