#8 Giovani dos Santos and Jonathan dos Santos

Season Stats : (Giovani/Jonathan)
Games : 3/4
Goals: 1/1
Assists: 0/0
The Dos Santos brothers have been together for what feels like an eternity! Both Giovani and Jonathan started their professional career at Barcelona, having impressed their scouts at a youth tournament in France.
Both made their first team debuts for the Catalans while they were still teenagers. Elder brother Giovani moved to England (with Tottenham Hotspur) in 2008, while Jonathan continued to be with Barcelona, though he was limited to playing a role of a fringe player.
They were brought together again by Villareal, though for just the one season: 2014/15. Now, as if it was meant to be, they're back together again, this time with LA Galaxy.
While the elder of the two is the more popular and the better footballer, both can be immensely satisfied with what they have had so far. 131 combined caps for Mexico speak for itself.