#7 Eden Hazard and Thorgan Hazard

Season Stats : (Eden/Thorgan)
Games : 26/31
Goals: 12/9
Assists: 4/4
A fairly well-known pair, Eden and Thorgan Hazard have had very different careers so far. Though both started together at Chelsea (on arriving from the Ligue 1) in 2012, Eden has gone on to make over 200 Premier League appearances for the Blues, whereas Thorgan has zero.
Thorgan has seven appearances for Belgium while his elder brother Eden has 82. No comparisons there.
While it is tough for Thorgan to compete with Eden, who is one of the best players in the world, he doesn't need to either.
Thorgan is a great player himself, irrespective of his brother's reputation, and has been instrumental for Borussia Moenchengladbach this season.
They are not just the two though, with Kylian and Ethan Hazard trying to break into the picture as well. All we can say is that the Hazards must be one, proud family.