#3 Thiago Alcantara and Rafinha Alcantara

Season Stats : (Thiago/Rafinha)
Games : 17/9
Goals: 2/0
Assists: 2/3
Key passes per game: 1.5/1.7
Tackles per game: 2.2/0.6
Interceptions per game: 1.5/0.5
The Alcantara brothers started their professional career at Barcelona. Also, similar to the Boateng brothers, they both represent different countries.
Thiago remains one of Spain's best players, and on the other hand, Rafinha will have to work extremely hard to get what would be only his third cap for Brazil.
Both of them play as midfielders, though Rafinha is a tad more offensive than his elder brother.
Thiago became a special talent at Barcelona and followed his godfather Pep Guardiola to Bayern Munich in 2011. He has certainly lived up to the expectations.
As for Rafinha, he is still trying to get his career back on track and is currently on loan at Inter Milan.
He will be hoping to reach the heights everyone thought he would. Still only 25, it's not too late by any means.