02) The puppy did it
Well, I love dogs too. But, they make a mess and here’s why cleaning it as soon as possible is very important. Darren Barnard would not have given that a second thought if he hadn’t torn a knee ligament and found himself out of action for 5 whole months. The reason? All because he slipped on his new puppy’s piss on the kitchen floor.
01) The smell of klutz
Perhaps the weirdest of all tales will be this – the dangerous bottle of cologne? Spain goalkeeper Santiago Canizares had to forcibly miss the 2002 football World Cup after a freak accident in his hotel room that severed a tendon on his right foot. What was he doing? He just dropped a bottle of aftershave on his foot accidentally. Talk about delicate porcelain hands.
And, bizarre but tragic on-field injuries…
Death by pork chops
Some pigs were so angry for being eaten that they went running wildly for revenge. The Indonesian footballer Mistair was so unlucky that he died at the young age of 25 when a herd of pigs came stampeding on the team’s training pitch in 1995.
Will you marry me?
Paulo Diogo, the Servette midfielder ripped his finger while jumping into the crowd to celebrate a goal. His wedding ring got caught on the fence and lost among the crowd. He did recover the finger but unfortunately, it was too late to mend and the remaining portion had to be cut so as to prevent infection. Case of the (un)true love?