#11 Va-Va-Voom races into the dictionary
Something which probably no other footballer can boast of, Henry has been the reason why a word has been added to the Oxford dictionary. The player made the phrase va-va-voom famous as a result of his Renault commercials. The usage and popularity of the word became so incredible that the Oxford dictionary adopted the word which means, "The quality of being exciting, vigorous, or sexually attractive".
"We have evidence of it going back to the 1950s from the US as imitating the noise of an engine," said a representative of the Oxford University Press.
"But it is Thierry Henry's use of the term in the TV adverts that has earned it a place in the dictionary. We have seen it used more widely as a result."
#12 Antillean heritage
A lot of people believe that Henry has African roots because he plays for France which had colonised a lot of the African countries. However, this is completely untrue. The player is actually of Antillean heritage, which is in the Caribbean or West Indies region.
Henry’s father is from Guadeloupe and his mother from Martinique, and despite the fact they lie far away from France, both of these territories are actually a part of France.
However, Henry’s childhood was spent in mainland France in the suburbs of Paris.