20 adorable pictures of footballers with their children

 Lionel Messi with his sons Mateo and Thiago
 Lionel Messi with his sons Mateo and Thiago

#7 Wayne Rooney

Rooney with Kai and Klay

Wayne Rooney is the highest all-time goal scorer for both Manchester United and England. On the pitch, he is a respected figure. He has won numerous laurels during his career and regarded as one of England’s best footballers.

Despite some controversies regarding adultery, Rooney is said to be a complete family man. With his wife Coleen, he has three sons. Kai Wayne, the eldest was born in 2009 followed by Klay Anthony in 2013 and Kit Joseph in 2016.

The picture of him with his two eldest sons, Kai and Klay, all suited up is too adorable.

#8 Andrea Pirlo

Pirlo enjoying in the pool with his children

Andrea Pirlo has won everything on the football field – from the World Cup with Italy to numerous league titles. The midfield maestro, now at the fag end of his career, plays in the MLS for New York City FC.

Pirlo has two children with former wife Deborah Roversi, whom he married in 2001. Son, Niccolo was born in 2003 while daughter, Angela was born in 2006. Despite his divorce in 2014, Pirlo is a loving and caring father and maintains a cordial relationship with his ex-wife.

This particular picture of him enjoying a little pool session with his children emphasises his love for his children.

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