#3 His Passing Ability
Matic has a total of 9362 passes in the Premier League in total, averaging around 58.88 passes per match. He has 586 accurate long balls and has attempted 21 through balls as well.
Interestingly, last season, Matic played 2601 passes, the highest in the United team by a mile. His closest teammate on the list was Paul Pogba, who had 1721 passes. Matic registered the sixth most passes in the Premier League as well, and at the fifth position, with only 92 passes more, was Kevin De Bruyne.
Matic also had 3117 touches on the ball in 2017/18 Premier League season. Valencia with 2364 passes was closest to him at United. Once again, his stats put him sixth n the list of highest touches of the season. Valencia, at 19th, was the only other United player in the top 20.
United require someone with such passing ability to keep the midfield functional. Pereira has been doing a commendable job so far, but to be fair to the youngster, he has a long way to go and deputizing under Matic this season will do him a world of good.
With the presence of Matic, Fred, and Pogba, United will have that pillar to fall back upon and the source to initiate their attacking gameplay. Once Matic, with his passing masterclass, joins this United midfield, Manchester United will instantly look a lot better.