#2 Warm-weather training

Warm weather training has proved to be very much beneficial for players playing in colder regions on a regular basis. Cold weather often tightens muscles and increases the risk of injury, especially when you haven’t done a decent warm up. In the warm weather, muscles are more pliable and the risk of pulling or straining something is reduced.
The bright shining sun often helps the players to train harder, motivating them to put in the extra shift. Training away from the normal routine helps players to refocus on their goals and objectives for the season.
During the winter we often see media reports about people suffering from a lack of vitamin D, especially amongst those that do not get enough sunlight, which is a natural source. Research has suggested not only that a lack of vitamin D can lead to sporting injuries but that the vitamin can actually improve muscle strength, speed, stamina and reaction time.
It is often said that a change is as good as a break and many of the benefits of warm weather training are psychological and this will certainly help Arsenal to end the season on a good note.